Welcome to Our Arduino Projects Page!
In this category of Arduino projects, you will find over 300+ projects related to Arduino (such as Arduino Uno, Arduino Pro Micro, Arduino Mega, etc.). I regularly publish Arduino related projects, so the number of these projects will keep growing. Within these 300+ Arduino projects, you will find Basic Arduino Projects, Intermediate Arduino Projects, and Advanced level Arduino projects.
I have used almost all types of Arduino related sensors. If you write the name of a sensor in the search box, you will see projects and articles related to it.
If you have just started and want to learn Arduino basics, you have come to the right place. Because in this Arduino projects category, you will also find Arduino courses.
I have written articles on LCDs, OLED display modules, HMI screens, IR Sensors, LoRa modules, GSM modules, 4G LTE Modules, Motors, Stepper motors, robots, Ultrasonic sensors, Laser sensors, and many other sensors.
Arduino Projects
Multiple analog sensors monitor using Nodemcu esp8266
Multipole Analog sensors with ESP8266: multiple analog sensors with Nodemcu ESP8266 and Arduino- My previous tutorial was based on…
Arduino Projects
RFID based students attendance system with message Alert
Description: RFID based students attendance system with message Alert- In this tutorial, I will show you how to make…
Arduino Projects
HX711 Load cell or Strain Gauge and Arduino
HX711 Load Cell with Arduino, Description: HX711 and Arduino– This tutorial is based on the HX711 breakout board, Arduino…
Arduino Projects
Arduino Image Processing based Entrance lock Control System
Arduino Image Processing Project Description: Arduino Image Processing- This Project is based on Image Processing using Visual Basic 2010…
Arduino Projects
UniPolar and Bipolar Stepper Motors Speed and Position Control
Description: UniPolar and Bipolar Stepper Motors Speed and Position Control– Stepper Motors are used for precise positioning and that’s…
Arduino Projects
Bike anti theft system using MFRC522 RFID module
Bike Anti-theft system project Description: Bike anti-theft system using the MFRC522 RFID module– This Project is based on the…