
Comparison Between compact fluorescent CFL And LED light

Which one is better; CFL or LED?

Have you ever thought about what’s better: fluorescent lights (comprising compact fluorescent lights, or CFLs) or light-emitting diodes (LED)? Well, we present a one-on-one comparison of the two pursued by an all-inclusive explanation of each technology in turn.

Comparison Between CFL And LED Bulb

Fluorescent (or CFL)

What is a CFL or a Fluorescent Light?

Comparison Between CFL And LED Bulb

Fluorescent light bulbs are a distinct variety of gas-discharge light (also comprehended as a high-intensity discharge, light, or arc light). CFL is an acronym that is formed from compact fluorescent light. Standard fluorescent lights are found in tubes (generally of the size 48 to 84 inches in length). CFLs tend to be quite smaller. They are nonetheless tubes but they are, as the name indicates, “compact.” CFLs were developed to supersede criterion applications for incandescent bulbs as they are both more effective as well as long-lasting.

Fluorescent bulbs generate light by transforming ultraviolet emissions with a fluorescent layer on the interior of the tube. UV radiation is induced in the first spot by an electrical charge that is operated through the inert mercury glass located inside the bulb. The gas is provoked by the electricity and discharges ultraviolet radiation as an effect. Fluorescent lights need ignition, which is normally furnished by a voltage palpitation or a third electrode (a different metal part) internal to the bulb. Commencing is moderately simple with small tubes but can mandate substantial voltage with enormous lights.

Fluorescent light bulbs formerly tended to need a “warm-up” period to fade away the internal gas into plasma, but now there are numerous near-instant starting technologies available for fluorescent light (those comprise “instant start,” “quick-start,” and “rapid-start”). Additionally, as the light warms up it needs further voltage to operate. Voltage provisions in fluorescent bulbs are balanced by a ballast (which used to be a magnetic device in ancient bulbs and an electrical one in the latest fluorescent technology).  As the fluorescent light becomes older, more and more voltage is needed to elicit the same portion of light until ultimately the voltage exceeds the fixed resistance furnished by the ballast and the light fails  (goes out. Fluorescent lights become less and less efficacious over time because they should employ more and more voltage to create the same lumen output as the light demotes.

What’s the Positive Side of Fluorescent Lights?

Fluorescent technology has been in vogue for more than 100 years and it commonly depicts a high-efficiency way to nourish lighting over an extensive area. The lights are extensively efficient as well as protracted lasting compared to incandescent bulbs, nonetheless, they flunk in both categories when approximated to LED.

What are the Major Flaws or Shortcomings of Fluorescent Lights?

The following are the shortcomings normally observed in fluorescent lighting:

Fluorescent lights tend to contain toxic mercury. Both mercury, as well as the phosphor inside the bulbs, are dangerous materials that bring about a waste disposal problem at the end of a light’s vitality. Smashed bulbs discharge a slight amount of toxic mercury in the form of gas and the remainder is encompassed in the glass itself. 

Fluorescent lights last fantastically if they are often switched on and off. The usual lamp life for a CFL tends to be around 10,000 hours but this can lessen as an outcome of frequent turning on and off (i.e., frequent switching). The burning life is prolonged if lamps stay on constantly for longer periods. It’s worth consideration about in the circumstance that you are using CFLs in confluence with motion sensors that continually switch on and time out.

Fluorescent lights are omnidirectional (all-dimensional). Omnidirectional lights usually generate light at 360 degrees. This is an enormous system ineffectiveness because at least half of the light has to be mirrored or reflected and diverted to the required area being radiated. It also suggests that additional accessory components are needed in the light fixture itself to recollect or focus the illuminated output of the bulb (thus boosting unit costs)

Fluorescent lighting discharges a slight amount of UV radiation. Ultraviolet light is learned to cause the vanishing of colored items or paintings disclosed to their light.

Fluorescent lights mandate a ballast to stabilize or set the light. In the circumstance that there is a nominal loophole in the ballast the light may evoke an audible mumble or hum.

What is Fluorescent Light Commonly Used?

Common usages for fluorescent lighting comprise commercial buildings, warehouses, and schools. CFLs are also utilized as a substitute for incandescent lights in many household applications

LED Lighting:

Comparison Between CFL And LED Bulb

What is a Light Emitting Diode (LED)?

LED is an acronym for light-emitting diode

A diode is an electrical gadget or part containing two electrodes (a cathode and an anode) through which electricity drifts – typically in just one direction (entering through the anode and emitting out through the cathode). Diodes are commonly created from semi-conductive materials such as selenium or silicon – solid-state substances that execute electricity in some events and not in others (e.g. at specific current levels, at specific voltages, or at light intensities).

When current access through the semiconductor material the device ejects observable light. It is exceptionally contrasting to a photovoltaic cell (a device that transforms visual light into an electrical current).

There is an identical device known as an IRED (Infrared Emitting Diode). Rather than visible light, IRED devices discharge IR energy when an electrical current is operated through them.

LEDs are simply a straightforward invention with an enormous prospect to transform the lighting industry for the better.

How Do LED Lights Work?

It’s truly simple honestly, and very inexpensive to create, which is why there was so much sensation and feeling of ecstasy when LED lights were first developed!

LEDs consist of two varieties of semiconducting material (an n-type and a p-type). Both the p-type and n-type materials, also known as astringent materials, tend to have been doped (immersed into a solution called a “doping agent”) to barely change their electrical properties from their unadulterated, unaltered,  uncontaminated or built-in or intrinsic form (i-type).

The n-type and p-type materials are generated by bringing up the primary material to atoms of another element. These new atoms take the place of some of the formerly existing atoms and in doing so, change the chemical and physical structure. The p-type materials are built utilizing elements (such as boron) that tend to have fewer valence electrons than the intrinsic material (most frequently silicon). The n-type materials are developed utilizing elements (such as phosphorus) that have additional valence electrons than the intrinsic material (most often silicon). The net impact is the creation of a p-n intersection or junction with fascinating and valuable properties for electronic applications. What those features precisely rely largely on the exterior voltage employed to the circuit (if any) and the orientation of current (i.e. which side, n-type, or the p-type is attached to the positive terminal and which is associated with the negative terminal).

Application of the Technical Details:

When a light-emitting diode (LED) has a voltage source attached with the positive flank on the anode and the negative side on the cathode, current will stream (and light will be radiated, a situation regarded as forward bias). If the positive and negative ends of the voltage origin or source were reversely connected (i.e., positively connected to the cathode and negatively connected to the anode), the current would not float (a situation generally known as reverse bias). Forward bias tends to authorize current to flow through the LED and in so doing, ejects light. Reverse bias thwarts current from streaming through the LED (at least up to a certain juncture where it is incapable to maintain the current at bay – known as the peak inverse voltage – a point that if achieved, will certainly damage the device beyond repair).

While all of this might seem exceptionally technical, the significant takeaway or conclusion for consumers is that LEDs have transformed the lighting landscape for the better, and the pragmatic usages of this technology are virtually infinite.

There tend to be four major benefits of LED lighting:

LEDs have an incredibly long lifespan compared to every other lighting technology (comprising fluorescent lights). New LEDs can survive 50,000 to 100,000 hours or even more. The regular lifespan for a fluorescent bulb, by contrast, tends to be 10-25% as lengthy at best (approximately 10,000 hours).

LEDs are extraordinarily energy efficient and comparable to every other commercially attainable lighting technology. There are multiple justifications for this, comprising the reality that they squander very little energy in the shape of infrared radiation (much distinct than most of the traditional lights to contain fluorescent lights), and they disgorge light directionally (over 180 degrees versus 360 degrees, which implies there are far rarer damages from the requirement to redirect or mirror light).

Very high-light quality

Very low upkeep or maintenance costs and hassle-free

What are the Minor Positive Aspects of LED Lights?

Apart from the major benefits, LED lights also deliver several smaller extras. These contain the following:

Accessories: LEDs tend to need far fewer supplement lamp components

Color: LEDs can be developed to induce the whole range of visible light colors without having to utilize the conventional color filters needed by conventional lighting solutions.

Directional: LEDs tend to be inherently directional (by default, they eject light for 180 degrees).

Size: LEDs can be extensively smaller compared to other types of lights.

Warm-Up: LEDs tend to have a faster switching (i.e., it tends to have no cool-down or warm-up period)

Downside or Negative Aspects of LED Lights?

Evaluating the upsides or positive aspects, you might guess that LED lights are a cakewalk and a no-brainer. While this is incessantly becoming the case, there are nonetheless rare quid pro quo or trade-offs that require to be made when you select LED.

In special, LED lights are fairly costly. The up-front or upkeep costs of an LED lighting project are generally more terrific than most of the options. This is by far the greatest downside or negative facet that requires to be contemplated. Having said that, the cost of LEDs is increasingly declining and as they persist to be taken on en masse the price will start again to drop. (If you acquired a suggestion for LED lights that simply sells for too much, don’t give up expectancy. Value engineering may come to assist.)

Where is LED Commonly Used?

The foremost pragmatic application of LEDs was made in circuit boards designed for computers. Since then they have slowly extended their applications to incorporate lighted signs, traffic lights, and more lately, outdoor and indoor lighting. Vastly like fluorescent lights, modern LED lights are an incredible solution for warehouses, commercial buildings, gymnasiums, and schools.

They are also adjustable for enormous public areas (which mandate effective, powerful, and efficient lights over a big area), parking lots, and road lighting (which offer substantial color benefits over low and high-pressure sodium lights).

Difference Between LED and Fluorescent Lights?

The two diverse technologies are completely different methods of creating light. Fluorescent bulbs tend to have inert gas inside the glass casing while LEDs are typically based on solid-state technology. Fluorescent lights generate UV radiation and then transform it into visible light with the help of the usage of a phosphor coating existing inside the bulb. LEDs eject electromagnetic radiation across a small quantity of the visible light range and don’t fritter energy by yielding waste heat or non-visible electromagnetic radiation (such as UV). There is also such a thing as an IRED (infrared emitting diode) which has been particularly developed to give off infrared energy.

Why Would LEDs Keep Fluorescent Lights Out of Business?

In the past few years LED efficiency has outweighed that of fluorescent lights and its efficiency modifications are advancing at a much more quick rate. Additionally, fluorescent lamps need the usage of ballast to balance or neutralize the internal current that creates light. When the ballast has a minor shortcoming or is impaired, the light can elicit an audible mumming noise. Other deficiencies comprise the following:

Fluorescent lights can induce retrofit or reassembling problems due to their elongated and stretched-out shape.

Fluorescent lights can demonstrate waste disposal problems due to their dependence on mercury.

Fluorescent lights are non-directional, connoting that they disgorge light for 360 degrees. As you might anticipate, a significant segment of this light is squandered (for instance, that part that is orchestrated at the ceiling).

Why would LEDs Keep CFLs Out of Business?

As good as fluorescent light efficacy has evolved, LED is reasonably better (and proceeds to improve at an additionally faster pace). As long as fluorescent lights prevail, LED lights survive greatly longer. Additionally, fluorescent lamps mandate the application of ballast to normalize the internal current that stimulates light. When the ballast has a minor drawback or is damaged, the light can evoke an audible murmuring noise. Other deficiencies contain waste disposal issues (due to CFL’s dependency on mercury), and non-dimensional light production. Non-directional light generation is a greater bargain than you might believe. For illustration, the light that is being executed at the ceiling instead of the room tends to be frittered. Accordingly, CFL (as well as the corresponding criterion fluorescent bulbs) might have adequate “source efficiency” (i.e. it tends to seem good on paper) but will fall short of LED when we move toward the more crucial standard: “system efficiency” (implying tangible efficiency in actual world applications).

Incandescent Lighting vs LED (Light Emitting Diode)

LEDs are attainable in a broad spectrum of color temperatures that commonly traverse from 2200K-6000K (spanning from yellow to light blue).

Fluorescent light is obtainable in a spectrum of CCT values that can be adapted by modifying the amount of phosphor inside the bulb. Usual values vary between warm white at 2700K to daylight at 6500K relying on the lighting provision.

CRI for LED is positively pendant on the particular respective light in question. Having said that, a very expansive range of CRI values is available varying normally from 65-95

Regular CRI values for fluorescent light tend to be between 62 and 80. This is fairly good color rendering but it leaves behind space for advancement when described in relation to LED.

LEDs are a standard light for deliberately turning on and off because they react relatively instantaneously (as there tends to be no warm-up or cool-down period). They produce a continuous and stable light without any sort of flickering

Fluorescent lights display a brief delay when turned on. Ancienter fluorescent models really needed a substantial warm-up time before the tube would light up but this has been enhanced with newer, quick-start fluorescent lights. Probable delays or failures in the start-up process are generally due to damaged transformers, starters, or ballast. Fluorescent bulbs may also twinkle or flicker, exhibit pink or swirling light, a light at the rears of the tube only, or cycle on and off as the bulb attains the back of its useful life

LEDs are exceptionally manageable to dim and alternatives are available to utilize anywhere from 100% of the light to 0.5%. LED dimming processes by either reducing the forward current or regulating the pulse period.

Fresher CFL bulbs can be dulled or dimmed very efficaciously (lower to around 15% of their typical light) whereas older fluorescent bulbs are frequently not convenient for dimming. If darting to dim a fluorescent bulb, rest assured that you select a ballast that is ranked for dimming.

LEDs eject light for 180 degrees. This is generally a benefit because the light is normally required over a target area (instead of the whole 360 degrees around the bulb). You can go over and learn more about the effect of directional lighting by discovering a measurement known as “system efficiency” or “useful lumens”

Fluorescent light is omnidirectional (having many directions), meaning it emits light for 360 degrees, instructing fixture housings or reflectors to orchestrate the disgorged light.

LEDs are extremely efficient compared to every lighting variety on the market. Regular source efficiency varies between 37 and 120 lumens/watt. Where LEDs truly glow, nonetheless, is in their system efficacy (the quantity of light that really attains the target area after all losses are taken into consideration). Extensively values for LED system efficiency tend to be over 50 lumens/watt

CFL and Fluorescent lights are exceptionally efficient corresponding to incandescent lights (having a source efficiency of 50-100 lumens/watt). They forfeit out to LEDs primarily because their system efficiency is much downward (<30 lumens/watt) due to all of the losses linked with omnidirectional light output and the necessity to divert it to a specific area.

LED efficiency declines as current boosts. Heat output also expands with an additional current which lessens the lifetime of the appliance. The across-the-board performance decline is comparatively low, nonetheless, when approximated to fluorescent lights.

Fluorescent lights also witness efficiency losses as the device gets older and extra current is needed to attain the same lighting output. Efficiency losses are tremendous and the decadence or degradation time briefer in the case of fluorescent bulbs

LEDs generate an exceptionally narrow spectrum of perceptible or visible light without the losses to inapplicable radiation types (IR or UV) correlated with traditional lighting, signifying that the bulk of the energy consumed by the light source is transformed directly to visible light

Fluorescent lights really stimulate mainly UV radiation. They create visible light because the bulb tends to be coated with a layer of phosphor which gleams when it comes in connection with UV radiation. Approximately 15% of the emissions are forfeited due to heat and energy dissipation.

Fluorescent lights generate mainly UV radiation. They create visible light because the bulb is coated with a layer of phosphor which glistens when it arrives in connection with UV radiation. Though most UV radiation keeps up within the bulb, some do break out into the environment which can possibly be in jeopardy.

LEDs tend to flunk by dimming slowly over time. Fluorescent lights can cease to function in many diverse ways. Commonly, they display an end-of-life sensation known as cycling where the lamp goes on and off without human interaction before ultimately ceasing to function completely.

A foot-candle tends to be a measure that shows the amount of light arriving at a prescribed surface area in contrast to the total amount of light arriving from a source (luminous flux).

LEDs are incredibly efficient and comparable to other lighting varieties available in the market. Typical source efficiency varies between 37 and 120 lumens/watt. Whereas,  LEDs truly shine, nevertheless, in their system efficiency (the quantity of light that really attains the target area after all losses are taken into account). Greatly values for LED system efficiency tend to fall above 50 lumens/watt

CFL and Fluorescent lights are very efficient described in relation to incandescent lights (50-100 lumens/watt source efficiency). They relinquish out to LEDs mainly because their system efficiency is greatly lower (<30 lumens/watt) due to all of the losses connected with omnidirectional light output and the need to divert it to a required location.

LEDs tend to eject exceedingly little forward heat. The sole real prospect downside to this is when LEDs are utilized for exterior lighting in winter situations. Snow falling on conventional lights like HID will thaw when it comes into connection with the light. This is generally overwhelmed with LEDs by encircling the light with a visor or confronting the light down toward the floor

Fluorescent lights disgorge heat that is soaked up by the ballast and/or lost to the atmosphere. Approximately 15% of the emissions are lost as a result of heat losses and energy dissipation. In some events, heat emissions could be useful, nonetheless, it is commonly a nasty thing to emit heat as it depicts an energy inefficiency. The final objective of the device is to radiate light, not heat.

LEDs survive longer than any light source commercially obtainable on the market. Lifetimes are inconsistent but ideal values vary from 25,000 hours to 200,000 hours or more before a fixture or lamp needs replacement.

Fluorescent lights tend to have a good lifespan compared to some bulbs but not relative to LED. Ordinary lifespan values vary from 7,000 hours to 15,000 hours before a bulb mandates a substitute. Sometimes fluorescent lights require to be replaced before the end of their practical life to prevent serious degradation impacts like glimmering or flickering or changing light color (usually turning pink).

LED lighting tends to have moderately high initial costs whereas low lifespan costs. The technology usually tends to pay the investor back over time (usually referred to as the payback period). The significant payback comes largely from reduced upkeep or upfront costs over time (reliant on labor costs) and secondarily from energy efficiency modifications or advancements (pendant on electricity costs).

Fluorescent lights are moderately inexpensive to purchase but somewhat costly to sustain. Fluorescent bulbs will plausibly require to be purchased multiple times and the correlated labor expenses will require to be paid to achieve the coequal lifespan of a single LED light.

LED has practically zero maintenance or upfront costs and the frequency with which bulbs have to be replaced is by and large the best on the market.

Fluorescent bulbs mandate typical renovating and ballast changeover in addition to the labor cost to supervise and change worn out and decrepit or expired ingredients.

LEDs are solid-state lights (SSLs) that are difficult to damage with physical shocks

Fluorescent bulbs are extremely frangible – particularly T5, T8, and T12 tubes. Possibly more importantly, shattered fluorescent bulbs need unusual handling and dumping due to precarious materials like mercury existing inside the lights.

LEDs can be exceptionally small in size (in certain cases less than 2mm) and they can be scaled to a vastly bigger size. All in all, this makes the usages in which LEDs can be utilized incredibly eclectic.

Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are developed to be small (so that they can take the place of an incandescent household light). Even then, they generally aren’t produced below approximately a centimeter in width. Standard fluorescent tubes are unwieldy and flimsy at the same time. Neither can be matched to the small size and strong shape of a solid-state light like an LED

At minus 40 Degrees Celsius, LEDs will turn on instantaneously

Fluorescent lights with typical magnetic ballasts (e.g., the T12 tube) are not normally suggested for temperatures below 50-60 Degrees Fahrenheit. For colder weather conditions, it is better to select a fluorescent light with an electronic ballast such as a T8 tube.

LEDs – 100 Degrees Celsius. LEDs are acceptable for all ordinary operating temperatures both outdoors as well as indoors. They do, nevertheless, depict impaired performance at awfully high temperatures and they need substantial heat sinking, particularly when in nearness to other susceptible components.

We couldn’t discover any purposeful data on fluorescent bulb performance in the situation of high temperatures.

LEDs tend to have almost no warm-up time. They tend to acquire maximum brightness near immediately.

Fluorescent lights (especially the primitive technology) need a pronounced warm-up time that varies relying on the light


LEDs – Often 5-10 years

Fluorescent lights – typically 1-2 years typically

LEDs generate enormously less heat than traditional gas discharge lights. This is normally a positive, nevertheless, for the particular case of usage with traffic lights, there is a small possibility that snow can amass on the bulbs. In fact, nonetheless, this is commonly not an issue due to the usage of visors and/or adequate orientation of the light within a fixture that protects it from the ingredients.

Fluorescent bulbs are not normally advised for outdoor lighting. CFLs will operate but as the temperature plunges the light quality deteriorates enormously. This is evident scarcely below the freezing level and dramatic below around 5 degrees Fahrenheit

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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