Arduino Libraries Download and Projects they are used in “Project codes”
Table of Contents
Download Arduino Libraries, Description:
Arduino Libraries Download and Projects they are used in– In this article, I am going to share with you Top Arduino, Nodemcu ESP8266, and ESP32 libraries and their download links along with the projects links they are used in. So far I have worked on more than 600 projects. All these projects were developed only using the libraries that I am about to share with you guys.
The reason I am writing this article is just that my followers on YouTube channel “Electronic Clinic” keep asking for the download links of the libraries. So that’s why I decided to write a complete article explaining each and every library along with the download link and the projects they are used in.
Note: Read my Article on the USB-C type Arduino Nano.
So without any further delay, let’s get started!!!
Arduino IDE and built-in Libraries:
The Arduino IDE itself comes with some built-in libraries which you can find by clicking on the Sketch menu > include library.
You will find a long list of the Libraries which are already installed. You simply click on the library and it’s added in the Arduino IDE. But there are situations when you need some other libraries to complete a certain project. Let’s start with the most commonly used Arduino libraries.
Arduino Libraries Download and Projects
LiquidCrystal 16×2 LCD Library and the projects it’s used in
Download LiquidCrystal Library : LiquidCrystal
16×2 LCD Arduino based Projects:
Adafruit_Fingerprint library
Download Adafruit_Fingerprint Arduino Library: Adafruit_Fingerprint
Arduino Fingerprint module based Projects:
Analog pH meter Arduino library
Download AnalogPHMeter Arduino Library: AnalogPHMeter
pH Sensor Arduino Baed Projects:
DHT11 Arduino Library
Download DHT11 Arduino Library “Temperature and Humidity Sensor”: DHT
DHT11 Arduino Code and projects it’s used in:
Arduino Weather Station using DHT11
Weather Station using nodemcu and Blynk
Send Sensors Data in an Email message
Sensor Data on Graphs using arduino
Bluetooth-based Temperature Monitoring
request Temperature Data using Gsm
Real-Time Clock Module RTClib Arduino Library Download
Download RTClib RTC Arduino Library: RTClib
Real-Time Clock Arduino based Project:
Arduino RTC DS3231 Time and Date display on a 16×2 LCD
HX711 Arduino Library
Download HX711 Arduino Library “HX711 load cell”: HX711
Arduino load cell project based on the HX711:
HX711 Load cell or Strain Gauge and Arduino
Arduino HX711 and Load cell weight measurement and calibration
Voice Recognition V3 Library for Arduino
Download: VoiceRecognitionV3 Arduino library : VoiceRecognitionV3
Voice recognition module based multi commands training project:
Voice Recognition Module v3.1, multi-language commands training Arduino
Neo 6M GPS Module Arduino Library
Download TinyGPSPlus Library: TinyGPSPlus
GPS Module based projects in which TinyGPSPlus library is used:
Arduino Neo 6m GPS module Interfacing, Programming, Library
Nodemcu GPS Tracker using Arduino Nodemcu esp8266 and Blynk
Car accident location tracking using GSM, GPS, and Arduino
softwareSerial Library
This is one of the most frequently used libraries. The software serial library is used for creating Serial Ports. You actually don’t need to download this library, it’s already available in the Arduino IDE. All you need is just to use this library. Check some of the following projects in which the software serial library is used.
softwareSerial Arduino based projects:
IOT Water level monitoring using Ultrasonic Sensor
IOT light dimmer using Arduino and Nodemcu esp8266 wifi module
Nodemcu ESP8266 IOT Power Lines Mains frequency monitoring 50Hz
MFRC522 Arduino Library created for the RFID Module
Download MFRC522 library: MFRC522
MFRC522 RFID module Arduino based projects:
Arduino RFID Servo Motor Control system for Car Parking “MFRC522”
Bike anti theft system using MFRC522 RFID module
RFID & GSM based student Attendance Alert message to parents
RFID based students attendance system with message Alert
max6675 Arduino Library created for the K type thermocouple
Download max6675 library : max6675
hmc5883l digital compass Arduino Library
Download HMC5883L Arduino library: HMC5883L
HMC5883L Arduino tutorial:
hmc5883l arduino,arduino compass,magnetometer arduino, compass navigation
Servo Arduino Library
Download Servo Arduino Library: Servo
Arduino Servo Motor Tutorial with a detailed explanation:
Servo Motor Arduino code and its Power Supply, Advantages & Application
Arduino RFID Servo Motor Control system for Car Parking “MFRC522”
Arduino TFT Touch Screen Libraries
The following are the libraries used with the TFT touch screen. There use is already explained in the following projects.
Download Adafruit_TFTLCD library Arduino : Adafruit_TFTLCD
Download: glcd Arduino Library glcd
Download: TouchScreen Arduino library TouchScreen
Download: UTFT library for Arduino
Download: UTFT_Buttons library for Arduino UTFT_Buttons
Download: UTFT_CTE library UTFT_CTE
Download: UTouch library for Arduino UTouch
Download: TFT library for Arduino TFT
Arduino TFT Touch Screen based Projects:
Arduino Mega Touch Screen GUI | Mega HMI Touch Screen |TFT 5 inch LCD
Android HMI development- control HMI touch screen using Bluetooth “TFT touch screen”
Ubidots Arduino Libraries
Download: ubidots-esp8266-master Arduino library ubidots-esp8266-master
Download: ubidots-mqtt-esp-master Arduino library ubidots-mqtt-esp-master
Ubidots Arduino IOT based Projects:
Ubidots Nodemcu Light Intensity monitoring using Gauges and Charts
Ubidots IOT Platform Control and Monitoring using Nodemcu esp8266 wifi Module
Nodemcu ESP8266 Libraries
Following are the libraries used with the Nodemcu ESP8266 Wifi Module and Blynk. The use of these libraries is explained in the projects given below.
Download: Blynk library Blynk
Download: SimpleTimer library SimpleTimer
Download: BlynkESP8266_Lib Blynk ESP8266 Library BlynkESP8266_Lib
Download: aREST library for Arduino aREST
Arduino Nodemcu ESP8266 wifi module and Blynk based projects:
Nodemcu ESP8266 DS18b20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor Monitoring
Multiple Nodemcu esp8266 network monitoring using Blynk
Wireless vibration sensor, iot vibration sensor, Industrial vibration sensor “nodemcu esp8266”
Arduino and Nodemcu two way communication, Control and Monitoring
Arduino Timer related Libraries
Download Time library Arduino: Timer
Download TimerOne library Arduino: TimerOne
Download SimpleTimer Arduino library: SimpleTimer
these libraries are already used in some of the above projects. the SimpleTimer library is used in the Nodemcu based projects.
Arduino BMP180 Library
Download Adafruit_BMP085 Arduino library: Adafruit_BMP085
The above library is specially created for the BMP085 but it can also be used with the BMP180 sensor.
projects in which I have used this library are given below:
Nodemcu and BMP180 “temperature, pressure & Altitude” internet of things project “iot”
DallasTemperature Arduino Library
Download DallasTemperature Arduino library: DallasTemperature
Following is the project it is used in:
Arduino DS18B20 digital Temperature Sensor Library, wiring & Programming
Nodemcu ESP8266 DS18b20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor Monitoring
Firebase Arduino Library
Download: FirebaseArduino library FirebaseArduino
FirebaseArduino tutorial:
Nodemcu firebase database Tutorial
IRremote Library Arduino
Download IRremote Library Arduino: IRremote
IRremote based project:
Arduino IR Remote based Fan speed controlling, Library, circuit, & code
MaxMatrix Arduino library
Download: MaxMatrix Arduino Library MaxMatrix
MaxMatrix library based projects:
8×8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Control using Bluetooth and Arduino
SPI Arduino Library
Download SPI Arduino Library: SPI
Pulse Sensor Arduino Library
Download PulseSensor_Playground Library: PulseSensor_Playground
Arduino Pulse Sensor based project:
Pulse Sensor/ Heartbeat Rate/ Heart rate measurement using Arduino & Bluetooth
Pulse Sensor/ Heartbeat Rate (BPM) measurement using Arduino & Pulse Sensor “Stable BPM value”
VirtualWire Arduino
Download VirtualWire Arduino Library :VirtualWire
Stepper Motor Arduino Library
Download Stepper Arduino Library: Stepper
Stepper Motors based Tutorials:
UniPolar and Bipolar Stepper Motors Speed and Position Control
CD ROM Stepper motor Arduino L298n + Joystick controlled speed and Direction Control
OneWire Arduino
Download OneWire Arduino Library : OneWire
Arduino OneWire library based tutorial:
Arduino DS18B20 digital Temperature Sensor Library, wiring & Programming
16×2 i2c LCD “liquid crystal display”:
related tutorial:
Countdown timer using Arduino, LCD 16×2 i2c & 4×3 Keypad
ESP32 Bluetooth Library :
WiFi Library
Firebase ESP32 Client FirebaseJason WiFi
Firebase_ESP32_Client FirebaseJson WiFi
Max30100 Library: MAX30100_library
Max30100 pulse Oximeter Arduino Code, circuit, and Programming
LowPower Library for Arduino Sleep Modes:
Of course, there are thousands of other libraries, but these are the ones that are most frequently used. There are so many other libraries that I have used in different projects.
hi sir i can’t download any libraries to my arduino software it says java error ?
sir i cant download any librarys
Is there any library for TOF10120 SENSOR
read my articles on TOF10120