Arduino Projects

Arduino Mega Touch Screen GUI | Mega HMI Touch Screen |TFT 5 inch LCD



Arduino Mega Touch Screen GUI– In this video tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple touch screen GUI using Arduino Mega TFT 5 inch Touch LCD. This tutorial explains everything that will help you create your own GUI for a 5-inch TFT touchscreen. In this tutorial, a variable resistor will be used as the sensor to display its value on the HMI touch screen. In this tutorial you will also learn how to make buttons and how to write a program to control some Relay, that can be used to control ac or dc loads.

Amazon Links:

Arduino Nano USB-C Type (Recommended)

12v Adaptor:

ITDB02 Arduino mega shield 2.1:

5 Inch TFT LCD Touch Screen:

12V SPDT Relay:

One-Channel Relay Module:

Other Tools and Components:

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module (Recommended)

Top Arduino Sensors:

Super Starter kit for Beginners

Digital Oscilloscopes

Variable Supply

Digital Multimeter

Soldering iron kits

PCB small portable drill machines

*Please Note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!

HMI Touch screen Breakout board soldering:

Breakout board for the touch screen

As you can see currently this module cannot be used with the output devices like a relay, led’s, etc, for the external hardware interfacing we will need to make some changes, we will Solder some wires with the desired pins so that it can pass digital signals to the controlling circuit.

started by soldering some jumper wires with the ground and pins 13,12,11 and 10.

This breakout board will be used with Mega. As you can see all the pin’s of the mega are occupied by the breakout board, so that’s why we had to solder jumper wires with the breakout.

Programming of the Touch Screen GUI:

 Before you start the programming, first of all, make sure that you download all the necessary libraries. The functions used in this program are explained in the pdf files which you can download by clicking on the links given below.

For the complete program explanation watch video tutorial given at the end of this article.




// Full code:

#include <UTouch.h>
#include <UTouchCD.h>

#include <UTFT_Buttons.h>

#include <UTFT.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
long int bdata;

extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t BigFont[];
extern uint8_t SevenSegNumFont[];

int button1on = 0; // this will be used as a flag for button1
int button2on = 0;// this will be used as a flag for button2 and so on
int button3on = 0;
int button4on = 0;

int alert1 = 0; // this will be used as a flag

int relay1 = 13;
int relay2 = 12;
int relay3 = 11;
int relay4 = 10;

int sensor1 = A1; // Sensor connected with A0 of the Mega

int x, y;

char stCurrent[20]=””;
int stCurrentLen=0;
char stLast[20]=””;

int bg[] = {
0, 0, 255};

int fg[] = {
255, 255, 255};
UTFT myGLCD(ITDB50, 38,39,40,41); // Remember to change the model parameter to suit your display module!
UTouch myTouch(6,5,4,3,2);

extern unsigned int a0[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a1[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a2[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a3[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a4[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a5[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a6[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a7[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a8[0x76C];
extern unsigned int a9[0x76C];

int scale = 3; // for the pic size to make it large or small

// for specifying the upper left x coordinates and y coordinates for buttons.
// as the buttons will be displayed in the same row so the x values will be different and the y values will be the same.
int imagex = 100; //for digit1
int imagey = 200; // for digit1

int imagex2 = 250; // for digit 2
int imagey2 = 200; // for digit2

int imagex3 = 400;// for digit 3
int imagey3 = 200;// for digit 3

// for button1
int button1x1 = 10; // 90
int button1y1 = 20; // 180
int button1x2 = 140; // 220
int button1y2 = 80; // 230

// for button2
int button2x1 = 160; // 160
int button2y1 = 20; // 20
int button2x2 = 290; // 290
int button2y2 = 80; // 80

// for button3
int button3x1 = 310; // 310
int button3y1 = 20; // 20
int button3x2 = 450; // 450
int button3y2 = 80; // 80

// for button4
int button4x1 = 470; // 160
int button4y1 = 20; // 20
int button4x2 = 610; // 290
int button4y2 = 80; // 80

int data1 = 0;

// new code

// on off codes for device1
long int password1 = 555;// to on
long int password2 = 551;// to off
long int password3 = 777; // TO TURN ON
long int password31 = 222; // to turn off
long int password4 = 221; // to turn on
long int password41 = 444; // to turn off
long int password5 = 441; // to turn on
long int password51 = 888; // to turn off
// new code end

// Finally we set up UTFT_Buttons 🙂
void drawButtons()
// Draw the upper row of buttons
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 50, 40); // 115, 195
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);

// button2 codding
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 200, 40); // 115, 195
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);

// button3 codding
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 350, 40); // 115, 195
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);

// button4 codding
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 500, 40); // 115, 195
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);

myGLCD.setColor(fg[1], fg[3], fg[6]);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 0);
myGLCD.print(“Device1”, 10, 100);
myGLCD.print(“Device2”, 160, 100);
myGLCD.print(“Device3”, 310, 100);
myGLCD.print(“Device4”, 470, 100);
// for line
myGLCD.drawRect(10, 120, 610, 124);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]); // white
myGLCD.fillRect(10, 120, 610, 124);

// for large rectangle

myGLCD.drawRect(10, 130, 610, 450);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[255], fg[255], fg[255]);
myGLCD.fillRect(10, 130, 610, 450);

// for right side rectangle for Alerts display
myGLCD.drawRect(615, 10, 800, 450);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[50], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRect(615, 10, 800, 450);
myGLCD.print(“A L E R T S”, 620, 20);

// rooms making

myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a0, scale); // first digit
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a0, scale); // second digit
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a0, scale); // second digit


void setup()

Serial3.begin(9600); // bluetooth module connected here

// keep all the relays off

digitalWrite(relay1, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay2, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay3, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay4, LOW);

pinMode(sensor1, INPUT);
// Initial setup


myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 0, 255);


void loop()
while (true)

if (myTouch.dataAvailable())

if ((x>=button1x1 && x<=button1x2 && y >=button1y1 && y<=button1y2)&&(button1on == 0) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 50, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device1 ON”);
Serial3.println(“Device1 ON”);
button1on = 1;

if ((x>=button1x1 && x<=button1x2 && y >=button1y1 && y<=button1y2)&&(button1on == 1) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 50, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device1 off”);
Serial3.println(“Device1 off”);
button1on = 0;

// for button2

if ((x>=button2x1 && x<=button2x2 && y >=button2y1 && y<=button2y2)&&(button2on == 0) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 200, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device2 ON”);
button2on = 1;

if ((x>=button2x1 && x<=button2x2 && y >=button2y1 && y<=button2y2)&&(button2on == 1) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 200, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device2 off”);
button2on = 0;


// for button3

if ((x>=button3x1 && x<=button3x2 && y >=button3y1 && y<=button3y2)&&(button3on == 0) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 350, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device3 ON”);
button3on = 1;

if ((x>=button3x1 && x<=button3x2 && y >=button3y1 && y<=button3y2)&&(button3on == 1) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 350, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device3 off”);
button3on = 0;


// for button4

if ((x>=button4x1 && x<=button4x2 && y >=button4y1 && y<=button4y2)&&(button4on == 0) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 500, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device4 ON”);
button4on = 1;

if ((x>=button4x1 && x<=button4x2 && y >=button4y1 && y<=button4y2)&&(button4on == 1) ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 500, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device4 Off”);
button4on = 0;



int sensor, data, d1,d2,d3;
sensor = analogRead(sensor1); // any sensor
// new code from here
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]); // for white color
if( sensor > 600 && alert1 == 1 )
myGLCD.print(“Sensor1:”, 620, 80);
myGLCD.print(“exceeded”, 640, 100);
alert1 = 0;
if( sensor < 600 && alert1 == 0 )
myGLCD.print(“Sensor1:”, 620, 80);
myGLCD.print(“Normal “, 640, 100);
alert1 = 1;
Serial.println(sensor); // send sensor value to bluetooth
// new code end here
data = sensor / 10;
d3 = sensor % 10;
d2 = data % 10;
d1 = data / 10;

// for digit3
if ( d3 == 0)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a0, scale);
if ( d3 == 1)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a1, scale);
if ( d3 == 2)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a2, scale);
if ( d3 == 3)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a3, scale);
if ( d3 == 4)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a4, scale);
if ( d3 == 5)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a5, scale);
if ( d3 == 6)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a6, scale);
if ( d3 == 7)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a7, scale);
if ( d3 == 8)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a8, scale);
if ( d3 == 9)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex3, imagey3, 50, 38, a9, scale);

// for 2nd digit

if ( d2 == 0)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a0, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 1)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a1, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 2)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a2, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 3)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a3, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 4)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a4, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 5)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a5, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 6)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a6, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 7)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a7, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 8)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a8, scale); // second digit
if ( d2 == 9)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex2, imagey2, 50, 38, a9, scale); // second digit

// for the first digit
if ( d1 == 0)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a0, scale);
if ( d1 == 1)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a1, scale);
if ( d1 == 2)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a2, scale);
if ( d1 == 3)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a3, scale);
if ( d1 == 4)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a4, scale);
if ( d1 == 5)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a5, scale);
if ( d1 == 6)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a6, scale);
if ( d1 == 7)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a7, scale);
if ( d1 == 8)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a8, scale);
if ( d1 == 9)
myGLCD.drawBitmap (imagex, imagey, 50, 38, a9, scale);

bdata = Serial3.parseInt();


if (bdata == password1)
waitForIt(button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 50, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device1 ON”);
Serial3.println(“Device1 ON”);
button1on = 1;



if( bdata == password2)
waitForIt(button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button1x1, button1y1, button1x2, button1y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 50, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device1 off”);
Serial3.println(“Device1 off”);
button1on = 0;


if (bdata == password3 ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 200, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device2 ON”);
Serial3.println(“Device2 ON”);
button2on = 1;

if (bdata == password31 ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button2x1, button2y1, button2x2, button2y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 200, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device2 off”);
Serial3.println(“Device2 off”);
button2on = 0;


// for button3

if (bdata == password4 ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 350, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device3 ON”);
Serial3.println(“Device3 ON”);
button3on = 1;

if (bdata == password41 ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button3x1, button3y1, button3x2, button3y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 350, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device3 off”);
Serial.println(“Device3 Off”);
button3on = 0;


// for button4

if (bdata == password5 ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.print(” OFF”, 500, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device4 ON”);
Serial.println(“Device4 ON”);
button4on = 1;

if (bdata == password51 ) // Button: Enter
waitForIt(button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2]);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (button4x1, button4y1, button4x2, button4y2);
myGLCD.print(” ON”, 500, 40);
myGLCD.setBackColor (0, 0, 255);
Serial.println(“Device4 Off”);
Serial.println(“Device4 Off”);
button4on = 0;





void waitForIt(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (x1, y1, x2, y2);
while (myTouch.dataAvailable()){

// list all files in the card with date and size

myGLCD.setColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2]);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (x1, y1, x2, y2);

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Arduino Mega HMI touch screen



Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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