Arduino Projects

Request Temperature Data Using GSM and Arduino

Request Temperature, Project Description:


Request Temperature using GSM– This project is based on the Temperature and Humidity monitoring using a Cell phone, Arduino, and the famous DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor. In this tutorial, you will learn how to request temperature and humidity values from anywhere around the world using your cell phone. There are projects in which the Sensors data is sent after regular intervals, which I believe is not good. This project is different from the rest of the GSM-based projects, as in this project the Temperature and Humidity values are sent only when the owner sends a request message.

Watch the complete video tutorial.

allpcb circuit

Amazon Links:

Arduino Nano USB-C Type (Recommended)

12v Adaptor:

Sim900A GSM Module:

DC 5V 2A Adaptor

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module:

Arduino Uno

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DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor:

Request Temperature

The DHT11 Temperature and Humidity module have a total of 4 pins, out of which only three pins are used. Pin number 3 is not used. The interfacing of the DHT11 temperature sensor with the Arduino can be seen in the circuit diagram. For the complete explanation, watch the video given at the end.

GSM SIM900A Module:

Request Temperature

This is the GSM module that I will be using in this tutorial, in the market we have different types of GSM modules, the one I will be using today is SIM900A, the same code is also tested on sim900D, so if you want you can also use sim900D.

If you are from Pakistan, Bangladesh or India make sure you purchase the unlocked version of the SIM900A. This GSM SIM900A module the one we will be using in this tutorial, as you can see on the screen has no Onboard voltage regulator, so be careful while applying the voltage. The ideal voltage for this GSM module is 4.7v but you can also connect it with the 5v adaptor.

As the ideal voltage for this GSM module is 4.7v to 5volts, so any voltage above this can damage the GSM module. If you don’t have the regulated 5v adaptor then you can also use an lm317t adjustable voltage regulator. I have a very detailed tutorial on this. Watch the video.

As you can see SIM900A module has so many pins that are clearly labeled but we will be using only 5 of these pins, the power supply pins, GND, RXD 5v, and TXD 5v. The GND of the GSM SIM900A module will be connected with the Arduino GND, TXD of the GSM SIM900A will be connected with the Arduino pin7 and finally, the RXD of the GSM SIM900A module will be connected with the  Arduino pin8.

GSM Sim900A and DT11 connections with Arduino:

Request Temperature

For the complete circuit Diagram explanation watch Video tutorial given at the end of this article.

Request temperature data Arduino Programming:

Watch Video Tutorial:

Other GSM Related Projects:

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Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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  1. Hello,
    I’m looking to build a project like this for my Apple Orchard. I would like to have 6 points around my farm to monitor temp and think this project would be perfect. Is this project possible with the parts available now, and workable in the US over our networks. Thank you

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