raspberry pi
Raspberry Pi Computer Build using Raspberry Pi 4 8GB, Smallest PC
Raspberry Pi Computer: Raspberry Pi Computer Build using Raspberry Pi 4 8GB, Smallest PC– Today, I am going to build…
Top 10 Best Raspberry Pi Kits for Beginners
Best Raspberry Pi Kits: Top 10 Best Raspberry Pi Kits for Beginners- maximum of you guys must know what…
13.3” FHD 1920 x 1080 Portable IPS Monitor for Raspberry Pi, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4
13.3” FHD 1920 x 1080 Portable IPS Monitor: 13.3” FHD 1920 x 1080 Portable IPS Monitor for Raspberry Pi,…
How to use led with Arduino and Raspberry pi, for beginners
Description: Led With Arduino and Raspberry pi– I have been using Arduino and Raspberry pi in beginners level, intermediate-level, and…
Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino: Technical Specs, and Pinout
Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino, Overview: Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino- Raspberry Pi and Arduino are everyone’s favorite. I have been using…
Loops, conditions, and functions in Bash Programming
Loops, conditions, and functions: loops conditions and functions:- this is a very detail article about loops, conditions and function in…
Variables in Bash Programming Explained with Example Codes
Variables in Bash Programming: Variables are assigned using the = operator. It is allowed between the Variable names and the…
Raspberry Pi 16×2 LCD I2C Interfacing and Python Programming
Description: Raspberry Pi 16×2 LCD I2C Interfacing and Python Programming– I have been using 16×2 LCD for quite a long…
Raspberry Pi Oled Display I2C SSD1306 Display Module Interfacing and programming
Raspberry Pi Oled Display, Description: I have been using this 5.5 inch Oled touchscreen with raspberry Pi for…
Raspberry Pi Servo Motor for camera controlling
Raspberry Pi Servo Motor Camera: Raspberry Pi Servo Motor- This project is based on Raspberry Pi, Servo Motors, and a…