Arduino Projects

RFID & GSM based student Attendance Alert message to parents

student Attendance Alert message Project Description:

RFID & GSM based student Attendance Alert message system– Recently, crime against children is increasing at a higher rate and it is high time to offer a safety system for the children going to school. When a child does not come to school it is very important to inform the parents. Time can be critical, as small children may get in trouble and help should come quickly.

It is the responsibility of the school management to inform the parents in time whether their child is present or absent. However, this is not easy to do this manually by typing and sending alert messages to parents. So, a suitable solution for this problem is to design an automatic messaging system. Each student is given an RFID card, when the student swipes a card a message is sent to their parents. This way the parents can know whether their child is present or absent. So in this episode, you will learn how to make an automatic parents alert messaging system using Arduino, MFRC522 RFID module, 16×2 LCD, and a GSM SIM900A module.

For the complete project Designing and Programming Watch Video Tutorial.

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Amazon Links:

Arduino Uno

Arduino Nano USB-C Type (Recommended)

12v Adaptor:

MFRC522 RFID module with tags:

Sim900A GSM Module:

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First, let’s start with the GSM SIM900A module:

RFID & GSM based student Attendance Alert message to parents “MFRC522 +SIM900A”

student Attendance Alert message

This is the GSM module, in the market, we have different types of GSM modules, the one I will be using today is sim900A if you want you can also use any other gsm module, like for example sim900D. I have also tested the same programming using sim900D but with a different baud rate, the rest of the program remains the same.

If you are from Pakistan, Bangladesh or India make sure you double-check the GSM module and purchase the unlocked version of the sim900A. This GSM sim900A module as you can see on the screen has no Onboard voltage regulator, so be careful while applying the voltage. The ideal voltage for this GSM module is 4.7v but you can also connect it with a 5v adaptor. If you don’t have a 5v adaptor then you can make your power supply using an lm317t adjustable variable voltage regulator, I have a very detailed tutorial on lm317t explaining everything. Watch the video tutorial.

As you can see clearly in the picture above this module has so many pins that are clearly labeled, but we will be using only 5 of these pins, the power supply pins, GND, Rxd 5v, and TXD 5v. The GND will be connected with the Arduino GND, TXD will be connected with the Arduino pin2 and RXD will be connected with the  Arduino pin4.

If you want to study more about the GSM SIM900A Module, then consider reading my article on GSM SIM900A with Arduino Complete Guide.

MFRC522 RFID Module and its Pinout.

RFID & GSM based student Attendance Alert message to parents “MFRC522 +SIM900A”

student Attendance Alert message

The first pin of the RFID module is the VCC and this will be connected with 3.3v of the Arduino. Pin number 2 is the RST or reset, pin number 3 is the ground, while the MISO pin, MOSI PIN, SCK pin and NSS pin, these four pins are the SPI pins and will be connected with the Arduino SPI pins, In Arduino the SPI pins are

student Attendance Alert message

pin number 13 is the SCK

pin number 12 is the MISO

pin number 11 is the mosi and

pin number 10 is the ss.

What is SPI :

SPI stands for “Serial Peripheral Interface”. It is a Synchronous serial data bus, which means that the data can travel in both directions at the same time, as opposed to (for example) the I2c bus that cannot do so. To use Synchronous data transmission, the SPI bus makes use of the four wires, and they are called.

MISO: The MISO stands for Mater in, Slave Out. The purpose of this line is to carry data from the SPI support devices back to Arduino.

SCK: The SCK stands for the Serial Clock.

The IRQ pin is not used

MOSI: The MOSI stands for Master Out, Slave In. the purpose of this line is to carry data from the Arduino to the SPI supported devices.

SS: The SS stands for Slave Select. Each SPI supported device needs a unique SS line back to Arduino.

student Attendance Alert message Circuit Diagram:

student Attendance Alert message

As you know my friends GSM sim900A module communicates with the Arduino using Serial communication so that’s why we have to define pins for the Tx and Rx pins of the GSM sim900A module.  As you know that the  Arduino has only one serial port which is on pin number0 and pin number1.

As I always say use the Arduino’s default Serial port only for debugging purposes. Now the question is if we are using the Arduino’s default serial port for the debugging purposes,  then how we will connect the GSM module?

Well no worries at all, we can define multiple serial ports using the SoftwareSerial library which I will explain in the programming. As you can see in the circuit diagram Tx of the GSM sim900A module is connected with pin number 7 of the Arduino and  Rx of the GSM sim900A module is connected with pin number 8 of the Arduino and GND is connected with the Arduino’s ground.  a power supply is connected with sim900A ideal voltage is 4.7volts to 5volts.

The MFRC522 RFID module VCC pin is connected with the Arduino’s 3.3volts and the ground is connected with the Arduino’s ground.  the RST, SS, MOSI, MISO, and sck pins of the MFRC522 RFID module are connected with pins 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.

Pin number1 and pin number 16 of the LCD are connected with the Arduino’s Ground while pin number2 and pin number 15 are connected with the Arduino’s 5 volts. Pin number 3 of the 16×2 LCD is the contrast pin and is connected with the middle leg of the variable resistor, this variable resistor is used to control the LCD brightness, the remaining two legs of the variable resistor are connected with the Arduino’s 5volts and Ground.

The Rs pin of the LCD is connected with the Arduino’s analog pin A1, the en pin is connected with the analog pin A2, while d4 to d7 pins of the LCD are connected with pins 6, 5, 4 and 3 of the Arduino.

student Attendance Alert message Programming:

Arduino Project: RFID & GSM based student Attendance Alert message to parents “MFRC522 +SIM900A”

To find the RFID cards identity numbers Watch video tutorial.

student Attendance Alert message system Video Tutorial:



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    1. Where I can contact you ? Please provide any number r link where we can talk about this project

  1. Hello Sir, The project is very well but there is some problem in sending SMS. This method doesn’t work very well

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