
Engineering Disciplines you need to know about

Engineering Disciplines:

Engineering Disciplines you need to know about- Over 90 percent of whatever we see around has been produced by some kind of engineering technology. Novel products, that do not exist in nature,are created throughout the world by applying sound engineering, knowledge, ideas and principles. The reading of this article on a mobile or computer has just become possible through the tireless efforts of engineers who have dedicated their time, knowledge and efforts to develop computer technology. While standing in a building, you often have no fear of its crumbling on you because of the confidence you have on the structural engineers who use their knowledge and expertise to develop it into a viable structure. We are going to shed light on 20 different types of engineering, so as to know how they have been contributing in making our daily lives easy and comfortable. The following are 20 most prominent disciplines of engineering, we shed a brief light on each of this branch.

Aerospace Engineering

In Aerospace Engineering, the principles of Physics such as drag, thrust, and lift etc., are brought into practiceto develop objects that can fly areophane, missiles, aircraft, spacecraft, and so on. These invaluable things help us to defend our country against the evil designs of threatening opponents or aggressive nations. In nutshell,aerospace engineering help develop sound defense against the belligerent designs oppressive nations. Thus, keeping in view its significance, more and more people should enroll themselves for attaining its degree. Apart from a highly paid and lucrative discipline, it is also equally challenging and full of opportunities. Aerospace engineering is related to the development of aircraft and spacecraft, and it consists of two branches, i.e., aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. Aerospace engineering, especially the astronauts side is also generally referred to as the“rocketscience”.

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engineering disciplines

Agriculture and Food Engineering

As the name implies, this branch of engineering deals with agriculture and food. Agriculture engineers or food engineers help in designing systems suitable for producing, distributing and storing the produce or food.The agriculture engineers ensure to help in producing sufficient food products and increase the food production for sustaining the needs of a growing population.They also evolve methods and techniques ti store food productssafely  and in a systematic manner. In the absence of these updated scientific techniques adopted by agriculture and food engineers, we would have shortages of food items, which may lead to an unpleasant scenario of starvation.

The agriculture engineers have to tackle myriad problems related to efficiency of machines, the use of facilities and structure, pollution and environmental issues, the storing and processing of agricultural products, and power supply. The food or agriculture engineers have to ensure packaging,supply of food globally, safe and efficient processing.

engineering disciplines

Architectural Engineering

Architectural engineering, also called building engineering, is an engineering discipline which is concerned with the technological aspects of buildings, e.g., planning, construction, operation and design, etc.

The architectural engineers are primarily concerned with the designing of enduring buildings, the chances of tumbling down of which are minimal. For this purpose, they study how different soil types may impact the durability of a building, they take into consideration strengths of different building materials,withstanding strong winds as well as naturaldisasters e.g.,gigantic earthquakes, etc. In the absence of architecture engineers, we might still presumably have been constructing our homes and buildings from mud and wood, and the construction of skyscrapers would just have been a dream.

engineering disciplines

Automotive Engineering

The main responsibility of automotive engineers is to design vans, cars, and trucks, etc. , that are meantfor transportation or communication on daily basis. To design cars anda physical shape from any complicated system, automotive engineers use their knowledge of things  e.g.,software and electronics applications,material density,aerodynamics, etc. In the absence of automotive engineers, movement from destination to destination would not only have been slower, but it would also have been hard and difficult.

Basically, automotive engineering is a branch of vehicle engineering, that includescomponents of electrical, mechanical, safety, and software engineering. They are related to the designing, manufacturing, and operation of automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles, and their relevant subsystems. The automotive engineering also involves modifications, manufacturing, and assembling of vehicles. The automotive engineering discipline, being research intensive,involves large-scale research related to the automobiles.The development, designing, fabrication, and testing of vehicles comes within the purview of automotive engineering.

engineering disciplines

Biomedical Engineering

The biomedical engineers are responsible for designing the instruments and devices that are used for medical purposes in hospitals and healthcare profession. The working of a biomedical engineer can more clearly be seen in the shape of people working in hospitals.From prosthetic limbs to CPAP machines, everything has been promoted  by biomedical engineers. The biomedical engineers manufacturethe devices, apparatus,  machines and other tools, etc., that help save our lives, help in delivering  babies, and also help us to just to live somewhat comfortably.

The Biomedical develop new devices and equipment through advances in medicines and technology and engineers for the improvement of human health.To test new drugs therapy, they might design to run medical gadgets and computerimitations.

engineering disciplines

Biotechnology Engineering

In order to develop things like cell, medicines, tissue cultures which are applied in research, Biotechnological engineers use principles of biochemistry.Similar to biomedical engineers, biotechnology engineersresearch consistently study with a view to keep us alive, safe, and healthy. In the absence of both biomedical engineers and biotechnology engineers, we would probably have a life span not exceeding  35 years.

The services of Biotech engineers are deemed worthy of recognition in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticalsand , medical equipment, research and development education, and other fields where their professional knowledge is considered necessary.

engineering disciplines

Chemical Engineering

The responsibility if a chemical engineer includes the designing of new chemicals for all sort of applications. The Chemical engineers develop polymers, fuels, plastic, medicines, and numerous compounds.Chemical engineering is about designing new chemicals for all kinds of uses as well as the processes that are used to make these things from raw materials. Without the invaluable services of chemical engineers, life undoubtedly would have been a lot different, dull, and uninteresting.

The designing as well as the development of chemical manufacturing processes comes under the purview of the responsibilities ofChemical engineers. To solve problems, Chemical engineers apply the principles of biology, physics, chemistry, and math to solve problems that involve the production or use of drugs, fuel, chemicals, food, and several other products.

engineering disciplines

Civil Engineering

The civil engineers are generally regarded as the step-children of the engineering community for the neglectful attitude they are meted out.The neglected step-Despite this, civil engineers design some of the most invaluable projects and  systems. The designing of systems for supply of clean water as well as devising systems to clean it after use, aresome of the significant assignments of civil engineers, besides the construction wnd designing of other things like dams, roads, bridges, water. It is said that without civil engineers, we would probably have to go to a nearby river to get some water for quenching our thirst.

All the major transportation projects are designed by Civil engineers. The responsibilities of Civil engineers include the conceiving, building,  designing, operating, supervising, constructing and maintenance of infrastructure projects in the privateas well aspublic sector, including buildings, roads, buildings, tunnels, dams, bridges, sewage systems and water supply systems.

engineering disciplines

Computer Engineering

The computer engineers not only design home computers, but they also work consistently for the development of embedded computer systems for industrial processing, mobile devices, computer peripherals e.g.,printers, keyboards and artificial intelligence programs ,and much more. We would never have approached the digital age without the continuous and incessant research  work carried out by the computer engineers.

In Computer engineering, several fields of computer science and electronic engineering are integrated with a view to develop computer software as well as hardware.

The computer hardware engineers carry out research work, designing and testing computer systems and components e.g., circuit boards, networks, routers, memory devices, etc.

engineering disciplines

Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering

The development of machines and equipment which is used in the manufacturing of vehicles  research, etc., is the main function of an Electrical and instrumentation engineer. The majority if engineers listed here mostly rely in a way on the instrumentations designed by the instrumentation engineer.Most of the other engineers on the list rely in some way on instrumentation that’s designed by an instrumentation engineer. Through their designed instruments, doctors and nurses can monitor your vital signs, whereas these instruments help pilots to fly.

Probably, the most popular discipline of engineering is electrical engineering, mainly due to the wide ranging opportunities it offers. On the contrary, instrumental engineering is somewhat little-known discipline that’s fast acquiring attraction due to the world’s gradual thrust towards automation of processes as well as digitization.

engineering disciplines

Electronics and Communication Engineering

This is in a way a broader term consisting of many other types of engineering provided in this list.The designing of things like computer systems and telecommunication systems come under the review of Electronics engineers and communication things like computer. The system designed by the Electronics engineers amalgamates things like actuators, motors as well as small electronics. Through electronics engineers and communication engineers, we have many of the complex electronics and control machinery that are used by the manufacturers to produce our everyday products.

Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves Thetesting of electronic system, developing, anddesigning are primary functions of Electronics and Communication engineer. alsovisualize and oversee The manufacturing of broadcast system as well as communications is also visualized by electronics and Communications engineers.

engineering disciplines

Environmental Engineering

As the name implies, the work to solve problems related to the environment is carried out by environmental engineers, particularly issues generated as a result of human activities.The ways and means are devised to reduce air and water pollution and chemicalrunoff from manufacturing facilities and farms by environmental engineers. The issues concerning public health are also tackled through our interaction with the environment. In spite of continuous and  tremendous growth of human population, keeping ecosystems functioning properly is the greatest challenge which they have to confront.The protection and preservation of wild ecosystems without the efforts and research of environmental engineers, might not have been possible at all.

The principles of soi science, engineering, chemistry, and biology, are used by the environmental engineers to solve environmental related problems.To ensure water and air pollution control, disposal of waste, recycling, and public health, they work continuously for its improvement.

engineering disciplines

Industrial and Production Engineering

To design new processes and to increase efficiency in Industrial and manufacturing facilities, industrial engineers and production engineers have to play a crucial role. To make a better use of the available resources, they incorporate things like automation to devise new machines and processes. Without the introduction of efficiency factor in Industrial units, many of ourdaily use products that we purchasewould have been much more expensive. Through the efforts of industrial engineers, Industrial products are available at reasonable prices and in fine quality. That’s why, agreater importance is being attached to the efficiency element nowadays, so as to reduce the cost of production of the Industrial concerns.

The conduction of research and design, operation and maintenance of process plant and Installations, to organize and supervise construction, are included within the responsibilities of Industrial and production engineers. To ensure a smooth operation, programs for the coordination of manufacturing activities are devised. Moreover, due consideration is also given to assess safety and cost effectiveness.

engineering disciplines

Marine Engineering

The way activities of aerospace engineers are focused on air, the activities of marine engineers are to specified for water. The objects which are used in water, e.g., ships, offshore drilling equipment and submarines, etc. , are designed by marine engineers.The water vessels and ships are required by many industries e.g, fishing, logistics, defense, etc., to operate.One could not even have imagined about water Mediterranean cruises or skiing without the valuable services of marine engineers.

Marine engineers and naval architects carry out and oversee the testing, installation, and repairing of marine apparatus and equipment. Mostly, Marine engineers and naval architects typically have offices, where they can work.They have access to computer software and other necessary tools to analyze projects and devise solutions.

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Materials Science Engineering

The main task of a material science engineer is to take raw materials and design and develop means to turn raw materials into valuable products that we can use. Almost the same nature of work is performed by chemical engineers, however, material science engineers typically work with solids in order to make finished products like nonmetals, stronger metals, and many more products. Some of the materials e.g., plastics and metals for medical devices, computer chips, etc.,  that other types of engineers have to frequently rely on, would not have been available without the services of material science engineers.

Material science engineers study the structures and properties of ceramics, composites, plastics, metals, nanomaterials (inordinately small substances), and other substances in order to create fresh materials that fulfills certain electrical, chemical, and mechanical requirements.

Mechanical Engineering

The designing of many types of machines, e g., refrigeration for food storage and restaurants, engines for industrial uses and vehicles, turbines for power generation, and more, are done by mechanical engineers . We must be thankful to mechanical engineers for the facility of refrigerators and air conditioning in our homes, without whom, one couldn’t even dream about such facilities. The availability of electricity is also possible due to the services of mechanical engineers, without which we would have been living in absolute darkness.

The mechanical engineers design power-producing machines, such as internal combustion engines, electric generators, power-using machines, steam and gas turbines, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. The  mechanical engineers also tend to design other machines, such as escalators and elevators inside buildings.

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Mining and Geological Engineering

The things related to earth have to be studied by Geological engineers. They can apply their knowledge attained from their studies to elaborate us where to build a to connect a roadway to two sides of a mountain, where to build a tunnel, or how and where to build a hydropower plant. The task of building of a mine in a safe manner for digging up things like gold or coal for making jewelry and electronics or for energy production, is carried out by a mining and geological engineer.

Geological engineers evaluate prospective sites and search for mineral deposits. They devise strategies and plan how to extract minerals and metals in an efficient and environmentally sound ways, once a site is identified. Most often, mining engineers tend to specialize in a particular metal or mineral, such as gold  or coal, etc.

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Nuclear Engineering

Many countries around the globe are combining nuclear energy into their national energy programs. The nuclear reactors that play a vital part in generating nuclear energy are designed and constructed by nuclear engineers. They have the responsibilities to ensure that the reactors are safe, not only for the people working there but also for the general masse, living in the surrounding areas.

Nuclear engineers tend to research on management and new uses of nuclear material or power They analyze data and examine nuclear accidents to help in designing preventive measures. Some of the nuclear engineers examine whether methods of managing and applying nuclear material or nuclear fuel reclaiming are acceptable.

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Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineers  develop ways and means of exploring underground oil but also means of extracting it. Since our world mostly depends on fuel resources derived from oil, it would not be wrong to say that  safe that things would have been totally different without the all important services of petroleum engineers. The main duties of a petroleum engineer include developing plans for the extraction of oil and gas, application and maintenance of drilling and fracturing equipment, supervising the extraction and drilling activities, research on new sites for oil exploration, and developing computer based models for drilling, and analysis of formation of reservoirs and rocks.

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Textile Engineering

Textile engineering involves the production of new kinds of fibers and fabrics, not only for making drapes and clothes, but also for other things e.g.,  cardboard and paper products.

The engineers make our lives easier The products that we purchase for our homes we live in, and that make our lives easier forever, are to a great extent the result of efforts of a group of people, who are called engineers.  This article is by no means an all inclusive one. New sciences appear, so do the means to utilize the fruits of those sciences in a manner that can improve our lives significantly. This is what may be termed as the job of an engineer.

engineering disciplines

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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