How to make Smart Bracelet for Long distance Couples using ESP32

DIY Smart Bracelets:

How to make Smart Bracelet for Long distance Couples using ESP32- If you want to take your long-distance relationship to the next level, then this article is for you. With these smart bracelets, you can send love signals to each other from anywhere in the world.

how to make smart bracelet for long distance couple using esp32

You can customize this bracelet and add your own features to surprise your loved one. It might seem a bit complicated, but if you read my last six articles, you will get a clear idea of how to design a smartwatch or a smart bracelet at home and that too for a few bucks.

allpcb circuit

Before I explain how to make these smart bracelets, I want to share a few things with you guys.

In Part 6, I used the Blynk IoT application to control the vibration motor on the smart bracelet and displayed the counter value on the Gauge in the Blynk application. I also established two-way communication between the smart bracelet and the Blynk application.

But when I tried to use two CrowPanel displays, the Blynk app failed to communicate with both of them. It could only connect to one bracelet at a time. My idea was to use the Blynk app as a bridge between the two bracelets, but after trying for 2 to 3 hours, I couldn’t make it work. If you know how to do this, please let me know in the comments.

So, I switched to Ubidots, and it worked in less than 2 hours.

smart bracelet esp32 and ubidots

Now, I am using the Ubidots IoT platform as a bridge between the two smart bracelets. With this setup, I can control both bracelets directly from the Ubidots dashboard.

If you don’t want to use the dashboard, that’s fine too. The two bracelets can exchange love signals directly without needing to open the Ubidots dashboard. I will explain this in more detail later in the article.

In addition to love signals, you can also monitor the counter value.

smart bracelet ubidots project using esp32

All the other features are the same as I explained in Part 6. The counter value is still saved in non-volatile memory, and the reset button works exactly the same way. The only difference is that, instead of the Blynk app, I am using the Ubidots IoT platform, and I have already explained why.

I am sure this article will teach you a lot. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them with me in the comments.

So, without any further delay, let’s get started!!!

Amazon Links:

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module (Recommended)

Other Tools and Components:

Arduino Nano USB C type (Recommended)

*Please Note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!

Earlier, there was only one smartwatch or smart bracelet on one side, so I kept all the files in one project folder. But this time, there will be a smart bracelet on both sides.

esp32 smart bracelet in squareline studio

So, that’s why I made two separate folders: one for the boy and one for the girl. You can download these two folders and the images along with the Arduino code and UI files from my Patreon page.

Anyway, If you are planning to use the same PNG image, you can manage everything with just one project folder. But as you can see, I am using two different PNG images. On the boy’s bracelet, I will animate the girl’s image, and on the girl’s bracelet, I will animate the boy’s image. This way, I can organize all the files properly.

So, let’s start with the boy’s bracelet!

SquareLine Studio Setup:

In the last 6 articles, we have covered a lot of things. In Part 2, I made a counter. In Part 3, I created a digital watch. In Part 4, I made an analog watch. In Part 5, I added dropdown menus to set the time.

smart bracelet squareline studio esp32

And In part 6, I added two more screens (Screen4 and Screen5) for the long distance couples. To keep things simple for you, I decided to continue with the same project.

To import the image click the ADD FILE INTO ASSETS and select the girl.png image.

smart bracelet in squareline studio

You can see the image “girl.png” has been added in the Assests.

Next, select the Screen4 and then on the inspector tab go to the background and select the girl.png image.

smart bracelet background image squareline studio

You can see the image has been changed.

You need to follow the same steps for the girl’s side smart bracelet as well. Anyway, after adding the image, you have to save the project and then export the UI files.

As usual go to the UI files folder, copy all the files and then paste them into the Arduino’s project folder. Then go ahead and open the Arduino file. Follow the same steps for the Girl’s side. For the step-by-step explanation watch the video tutorial on my YouTube channel “Electronic Clinic”.

Boy’s Side Smart Bracelet Code:

Girl’s Side Smart Bracelet Code:

Both codes are exactly the same except for these four variables.

If you want the complete project folder, you can visit my Patreon page and download it from there.

First let’s change the LV_COLOR_16_SWAP from 0 to 1 and then we will start with the Ubidots IoT platform.

smart bracelet lv color 16 swap lvgl

Ubidots IoT Platform Setup:

smart bracelet ubidots home automation dashboard esp32

This is the dashboard of my previous project, in which I explained how to perform two-way communication between the ESP32 and Ubidots. In that project, I explained how to monitor a sensor and control a 110/220Vac bulb.

smart bracelet esp32 and ubidots

I made that project with the purpose of explaining the most basic things, like how to install the ESP32 board and which libraries you need to install for Ubidots.

Today, we will go through all the steps again, with only one difference: this time, we are using two ESP32 controllers, whereas previously, we used a single ESP32 board. So, I highly recommend reading that article first and then resuming from here.

Anyway, let’s go ahead and create a new dashboard for long-distance couples.

Go to the Data Menu and then click on the Dashboards.

how to make a smart bracelet dashboard using ubidots

On the left side, you can see these 3 lines, click on these lines.

smart bracelet ubidots dashboard

Click the CREATE button to add a new Dashboard.

Let’s name it Long-Distance Couples;

smart bracelet ubidots dashboard for the esp32

let’s keep everything else to their default values. Once you learn the basics, then you can come back and play with all these properties. Anyway, let’s click the SAVE button.

Now, go to the Devices Menu and click on Devices.

smart bracelet ubidots devices menu

Click the + button to create a new device and then click on Blank Device.

Now, go to the Arduino program and copy the DEVICE_LABEL “couples” and paste it in the two boxes.

smart bracelet ubidots device label

The device label should exactly match the DEVICE_LABEL set in the Arduino code. Once the Device name and Device label are set then click the NEXT button.

smart bracelet device in ubidots

You can see a new device with the name “couples” has been created. Let’s open this device.

Right now there are 0 Variables, because I have not yet uploaded the program into the ESP32.

smart bracelet ubidots variables and token

Because I needed this Token. So, let’s copy this Token and paste it in the two programs next to the UBIDOTS_TOKEN.

Finally, upload the programs.

Refresh the page and you will see the two counter variables for the boy and girl;

smart bracelet ubidots variable from esp32

This means the two smart bracelets successfully connected to the Ubidots.

smart bracelet for lovers

Now, if I go back to the Ubidots and refresh the page, the remaining variables will also appear.

two esp32 smart bracelet variables

You can use these variables with different types of widgets for monitoring the counters and for controlling the vibration motors on the two smart bracelets. So, let’s do it. In the previous tutorial, I have already explained how to add widgets and assign variables, so I think there is no need to explain anything. If you still face any issues then watch the video tutorial given at the end of this article.

smart bracelet ubidots dashboard two esp32 controllers

Our Dashboard is ready and now let’s watch this action. “For the practical demonstration, watch the video tutorial given below”.

I hope you all liked the idea of these smart bracelets. I will add more features to these smart bracelets. If you have any ideas in your mind, you can tell me in the comments. So, that’s all for now!

Watch Video Tutorial:

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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