See Through with C1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor and ESP32

See Through with C1001 mmWave Sensor:

See Through with C1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor and ESP32- Is the C1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor really a game changer? To find out, I am going to perform 7 tests, including a false triggering test, a vibration test, and testing it with different thin and thick plastic and wooden sheets. We will also see if it can detect humans on the other side of a wall. And guess what, we will perform all these tests on the Blynk IoT application. So, along with the tests you are also going to learn how to use the mmWave human detection sensor with an IoT platform.

see through with c1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor

These days, the C1001 mmWave sensor is getting a lot of attention worldwide. In just 4 days, my previous video on the C1001 mmWave sensor gained over 52,000 views. Because this sensor is different from other human presence detection sensors because it can accurately detect if someone is lying down, it can perform precise human life detection, it can measure how long a person stays in one place, it can report if someone has fallen, it can judge their sleep state, breathing, and heart rate based on body movement during sleep, and it can even detect if someone is completely still. I have already shown all of this in a practical demonstration. So, for the technical specifications of this sensor and how to operate it in different modes, you can watch my previous video or you can read the article.

allpcb circuit

Some people asked me if this sensor can detect the presence of static and active humans through walls and other materials. Another guy asked me if we can connect it to an IoT cloud platform for security purposes. So in today’s article, we will cover both of these topics. So, without any further delay, let’s get started!

Amazon Links:

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module (Recommended)

C1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor

C1001 mmWave Official Product Page

*Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

C1001 mmWave Sensor with ESP32:

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 circuit diagram

If your goal is only to implement security, then you do not need to use this relay. But if you also want to automatically control the light in that area along with security, then you can use this relay. Again, be very careful with safety measures. When the 110/220V AC supply is connected, do not touch the relay contacts, as it can be extremely dangerous.

This time, we won’t be monitoring on a laptop; instead, we will be using the Blynk application on a cell phone for monitoring. So, let’s quickly create a dashboard on the Blynk IoT Cloud.

Blynk Web Dashboard Setup for the C1001 mmWave Sensor:

Login into your Blynk account and click on the New Template.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

  • Write the Template Name.
  • Select ESP32 as the Hardware type.
  • Set connection type to WiFi and then click on the Done button.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Now, if you want to make any changes; you can simply click on the Configure template.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

In my case everything looks good so I am going to continue with the same hardware setup.

Next we can click on the “Set Up Datastreams”.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Click on the New Datastream and select Virtual Pin.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Write a meaningful name; for this particular project you can leave PIN, DATA TYPE, MINIMUM, AND MAXIMUM values to their default values. 0 means the sensor has not detected anyone and 1 means human presence.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Finally, you can click on the Create button.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Our Datastream is ready, you can also create Datastreams for monitoring if the detected person is still or active. But for this particular project, I think its not necessary, as I only want to detect the human presence and perform other tests.

Anyway, once the Datastream is created. Then click on the Devices.

Click on New Device.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Click on from template and form the Template drop down menu select the C1001 Security System and then click on the create button

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Copy these Credentials because without these you won’t be able to connect your ESP32 to the Blynk IoT platform. Open the program and paste it at the top of the program.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Next, click on Edit Dashboard and from the Widget Box add an LED to the Dashboard and assign the corresponding Datastream. You can also set the LED color and set its name as per your needs.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk

Our Dashboard is ready. If you want to use a notification widget or any other widget then you will have to upgrade your Plan. Anyway, the Dashboard is ready and now let’s start with the Blynk IoT Application setup on the Smartphone.

C1001 mmWave Blynk Security Application:

Setting up the Blynk IoT application in the cell phone is quite easy as we have already created the Datastream, now we only need to add the LED and assign it the corresponding Datastream. Just make sure you are in the developers mode. If it doesn’t make any sense to you, then you can watch the video tutorial given at the end of this article.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor with esp32 and blynk application

Our application is ready and now let’s go ahead and take a look at the program.

C1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor ESP32 Programming:

ESP32 Board installation:

First of all, if this is your first time using the ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth module then you will also need to install the ESP32 board in the Arduino IDE. For this you can read my getting started article on the ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module.

DFRobot_HumanDetection Library:

Installation of this library “DFRobot_HumanDetection” I have already explained in the previous article.

In order to use your ESP32 or ESP8266 with the Blynk IoT Platform; you will also need to install the entire Blynk library package. While your Arduino IDE is open, go to the Sketch Menu, then to Include Library, and click on the Manage Libraries.

Type Blynk in the search box.

blynk library installation for mmWave Human Detection Sensor

You can see I have also installed this library.

Don’t forget to change the GPRS Credentials in the program “SSID and Password”.

Rest of the code is exactly the same as the previous code, except the Blynk.virtualWrite() functions, because using the Virtual pin I am sending information about if someone is present or not.

C1001 mmWave IoT ESP32 Code:

Now, to upload the program simply select the ESP32 Dev Module… then select the correct communication port… and finally click on the upload button.

C1001 mmWave Sensor Tests:

Test #1:

controlling light using mmWave Human Detection Sensor

If you focus this sensor on a running ceiling fan, it will cause false triggering. As you can see, I am standing far from the sensor, but on the mobile, it shows Human presence because the ceiling fan is ON, and the sensor is right below it. I am sure you won’t be using the sensor like this. Anyway, when installing this sensor on a wall, tilt it slightly downward so that the ceiling fan doesn’t enter the sensor’s detection area.

Let’s turn OFF the fan and see if the status changes.

Controlling ceiling fan using c1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor

After turning off the fan, you can see that the false triggering has stopped. Now, I will go near the sensor and let’s see if it can detect me.

controlling light using mmWave Human Detection Sensor

This is amazing. So, if you want the C1001 mmWave Sensor to avoid false triggering, don’t use it in front of a fan and other moving objects.

Test #2:

In Test #2, we will check if the mmWave sensor is affected by vibrations. I am going to slightly shake the table.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor vibration test

As you can see, the cell phone is showing human presence even though I am not in the detection area. So, this test shows that you should not use this sensor in places with vibrations or as a handheld human detector. To avoid false triggers, you need to use the C1001 mmWave Sensor in a place without vibrations. You can use it as a portable security system, just don’t use it in areas with vibrations.

Test #3:

I am really excited about this test because this time, I am going to put the C1001 mmWave Sensor inside a box, and we will see if it can detect me from inside the box. This test is for those who asked me if the mmWave sensor can penetrate materials or not. If it can successfully detect me, then we can hide this sensor anywhere and monitor people’s presence.

So, let’s put the sensor inside the box and I will make sure to properly close the box.

see through box from inside box using c1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor

On the cell phone, it shows no human presence. I cannot wait any longer; I am going to move closer to the sensor now.

see through box with c1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor

O my God, the sensor detected me even from inside the box! This mmWave Sensor is truly a game changer. I am not going to stop here.

Test #4:

In Test #4, I am going to place this plastic Range Rover model on top of the sensor.

detection through plastic sheet using mmWave Human Detection Sensor

There is a good distance between the bottom and top. If the mmWave sensor can penetrate this, then it can easily penetrate acrylic sheets. So, let’s place the Range Rover on top of the sensor.

On the cell phone, you can see no human presence.

how to see behind the plastic using mmWave Human Detection Sensor

Now I’m going to move closer to the sensor.

see through plastic sheet using c1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor

Oh my goodness, it also passed Test #4! Now I can even use this sensor inside it, and no one will ever know about my security system. Let’s test it with a hard material now.

Test #5:

For Test #5, I am going to use this thin hard wooden sheet. If the sensor can penetrate this, then I will try a thick wooden sheet as well.

detection through thin wooden hardboard using mmWave Human Detection Sensor

So, let’s place the sheet.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor testing behind the thin wooden sheet

On the cell phone, you can see the LED is OFF, which means no human presence. Now I am moving closer to the sensor.

c1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor detect humans behind thin wooden sheets

This is simply mind-blowing; it detected me from quite a distance.

Test #6:

For Test #6, I am going to use this thick wooden block. If the mmWave sensor still detects me, then I will test it with a wall.

detection through wood using mmWave Human Detection Sensor

So, let’s place it on top of the sensor and see.

mmWave Human Detection Sensor detect humans behind doors

I tried a lot, but the sensor couldn’t detect me, which means it won’t detect humans behind a wall either.

If you want to detect moving humans and objects through thick wooden sheets and walls, I recommend using the Microwave Sensor V2.0 because it can penetrate thick wooden sheets and also detect moving humans and objects on the other side of walls.

see through walls with microwave sensor and mmWave Human Detection Sensor

Personally, I liked the C1001 mmWave sensor more because it has a very long range, it’s highly accurate, and it supports different modes of human detection. So, that’s all for now.

You can also read my article on the Rd-03D mmWave Radar Module designed for tracking multi-humans with precise distance positioning.

Watch Video Tutorial:

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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