Arduino Projects

Arduino Analog Signal Filter, Analog sensor value Fluctuates a lot

Arduino Analog Signal Filter:

Arduino Analog Signal Filter, Analog sensor value Fluctuates a lot- In this article, we will fix a common problem that a lot of Arduino users faces: fluctuating analog sensor values. Analog signals from sensors can be noisy. This noise can come from various sources, such as electrical interference, fluctuations in power supply, or even the sensor itself.

When you connect an analog sensor to your Arduino and you read these noisy signals directly, the values can jump around even if the sensor itself it not moving and it really makes it hard to get a stable reading. This can be problematic for many applications, such as controlling motors “DC Motors, Servos, etc”, reading environmental data, or any other situation where you need accurate and stable measurements.

Arduino Analog Signal Filter value fluctuates

allpcb circuit

We are going to explore several methods to smooth out these fluctuating Sensor values. We will use a Potentiometer as an analog sensor connected to the analog pin A1 of the Arduino.

Steps to Filter Arduino Analog Signal 

Step1: Basic Analog Read

We will start with a basic program that reads the sensor value without any averaging or filtering techniques. This will help us understand the problem and see the raw data as it comes from the sensor.

Step 2: Implementing Averaging

Next, we will introduce an averaging technique to smooth out the data. By averaging multiple readings, we can reduce the impact of any single noisy reading.

Step 3: Implementing a Software Filter

In our third step, we will go beyond simple averaging and implement a software-based filter. This filter will allow us to smooth out the sensor values even more effectively.

Hardware Filtering with a Capacitor

Finally, we will introduce a hardware solution by adding a capacitor to create a low-pass RC filter. This physical filter will help smooth the analog signal before it even reaches the Arduino. This approach can be combined with the software filtering techniques for even better results.

The different techniques I am going to explain can also be implemented on ESP32, ESP8266, STM32, etc.

Testing and Comparison

We will test all three programs with and without the capacitor. By comparing the outputs, you will be able to see how each method affects the stability of the sensor readings. This will give you a clear understanding of the benefits and limitations of each technique.

So, without any further delay let’s get started!!!

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Potentiometer with Arduino, Circuit Diagram:

potentiometer with analog sensor reading fluctuate Arduino Analog Signal Filter

Connect the left and right most legs of the Potentiometer to the Arduino 5V and GND. Connect the middle leg of the potentiometer to the Arduino analog pin A1. Right now you can see that I have not added a capacitor. Because, first, we will check the three programs without the capacitor, and then we will test the same programs with the capacitor. So, let’s go ahead and take a look at the most basic program.

Arduino Potentiometer Basic Program:


The purpose of this program is to read the Potentiometer and print the value on the Serial monitor.

The Potentiometer is connected to the Arduino analog pin A1.

The Potentiometer value is stored in the variable PotData.

Inside the setup() function.

First we activate the serial communication. 9600 is the baud rate. Without activating the serial communication, you won’t be able to send the data to the serial monitor or Serial Plotter.

Next, we set the Potentiometer as input.

We simply read the Potentiometer using the analogRead() function and store the value in PotData variable.

Finally, we send this value to the serial monitor.

Let’s go ahead and upload this program.


Let’s open the serial monitor.

Arduino Analog Signal Filter and fluctauting sensor values

As you can see, the value is fluctuating a lot. This means the readings from the potentiometer are not stable. This is what to expect from an analog sensor when you only use the analogRead() function.

To understand this better, let’s open the Serial Plotter. The Serial Plotter will give us a visual graph, making it easier to see how much the value is changing over time.

To open the Serial Plotter, simply go to the Tools menu and under the Serial Monitor you will see Serial Plotter.

fluctuating sensor value and Arduino Analog Signal Filter

On the graph, you can see that the signal is very noisy, even though I have not touched the potentiometer. With such a noisy and fluctuating signal, we cannot efficiently control servos, brushed motors, BLDC motors, and other output devices.

Arduino Analog Signal Filter the fluctuated sensor value

Let us understand why this is a problem. When the signal is noisy, it means that the readings are jumping up and down a lot. This makes it hard for the Arduino to know what the actual value is. If we try to use this noisy signal to control motors or other devices, they will not work smoothly. The motors might jerk or move unpredictably, which is not good.

To fix this problem, we need to smooth out the signal. This means making the readings more stable and less noisy. Let’s implement the Averaging technique.


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Arduino Analog Value Averaging:


I have modified the previous program. This time, it does not send the potentiometer value directly to the Serial Monitor. Instead, it reads the potentiometer value ten times, calculates the average, and then sends the final value to the Serial Monitor or Serial Plotter. Let’s upload this program and see if it’s going to make any difference.


Arduino Analog Signal Filter smooth sensor value using averaging remove noise

The averaging technique has made the sensor value much smoother, but there is still some noise. So, let’s go ahead and implement a software filter.

Arduino Filter for Analog Sensors:


This code is much simpler than the previous one. This time, after reading the value from the potentiometer, we pass it through a filter equation to get filtered values.

Alpha is a Filter coefficient between 0 and 1. It controls how much of the new sensor reading (PotData) will be included in the filtered value.

PotData: This is the raw sensor reading from the potentiometer.

filteredValue: This is the smoothed value that we get after applying the filter.

In this equation:

“alpha * PotData” This part of the equation takes the new sensor reading and multiplies it by alpha. If alpha is 0.1, it means that 10% of the new reading is used in the final filtered value. You can try different values from 0.1 to 0.9.

“(1 – alpha) * filteredValue” This part takes the previous filtered value and multiplies it by (1 – alpha). If alpha is 0.1, then (1 – alpha) is 0.9. This means that 90% of the previous filtered value is kept in the new filtered value.

By combining these two parts, the filter smooths out the fluctuations in the sensor readings. The result is a filteredValue that changes more slowly and is less noisy compared to the raw PotData.

If you want to know more about this equation read my article available on

Anyway, let’s go ahead and upload this program.

how to filter Arduino Analog Signal Filter

The signal is much smoother now, but there is still a bit of noise. So, let’s test all three programs with a capacitor.

Arduino Analog Signal Filter low pass rc filter with analog sensor circuit diagram

Simply connect the positive leg of a 4.7 or 10uF capacitor to the middle leg of the potentiometer, and connect the ground leg of the potentiometer to the Arduino ground. This makes a simple low-pas RC filter.

Now, let’s go ahead and upload all the three programs one by one.

Arduino Analog Signal Filter programs

Just by adding a single capacitor, you can significantly reduce the noise.

low pass rc filter to smooth an analog sensor with Arduino Analog Signal Filter

The value is only fluctuating between 861 and 862. Let’s also take a look at the graph.

how to filter the capacitor value using Arduino Analog Signal Filter

Let’s upload the 2nd program “Averaging”.

low pass rc filter and averaging the sensor value in Arduino Analog Signal Filter

When you connect the capacitor and also use the averaging technique on the sensor value, you can see the result. The code might get a bit longer, but the end result is quite satisfactory. You can see there is still a little bit fluctuation.

Arduino Analog Signal Filter

Now let’s upload the 3rd program.

Hardware and software filter combined.

hardware and software values filtering using Arduino Analog Signal Filter

And when you have a low-pass filter on the hardware side and also implement a filter in the program, you get an almost perfectly smooth value that you can completely rely on.

hardware and software Arduino Analog Signal Filter

Now the value is perfectly stable. So, that’s all about how to smooth an analog value.

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Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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