Arduino Due Pin configuration, interface design, and applications
Table of Contents
Overview of Arduino Due
The Arduino Due is the series’ most potent Arduino Development board. This Arduino board is a starter board with a ton of features and fast processing that is used in more complex applications. Unlike other Arduino boards, which were designed using an ATMEGA series controller, this board was built using an ARM series controller.
The due board from Arduino is built around a 32-bit ARM core microprocessor. There are 54 digital I/O pins on this board, 12 of which are utilized as PWM outputs, 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs, an 84 MHz CLK, 2 DACs, 2 TWIs, an SPI header, a power jack, a JTAG header, a USB OTG connection, a RESET button, and a can ERASE button.
The Arduino Due board may easily be powered by a battery or an AC-to-DC adapter and linked to any computer using a micro-USB cable to get started. The majority of 3.3V Arduino shields are compatible with this board. If you want to learn more information about some electronic components, you can click the Electronic Parts to get more familiar with them.
Arduino Due Specification
SAM3X8E 32-bit ARM controller is the microcontroller.
3.3V is the operational voltage.
Every I/O pin’s maximum current is between 3 and 15 mA.
130mA is the maximum current that can be pulled from all I/O pins.
The size of flash memory is 512K.
Internal Memory of 96K.
12 Mhz is the internal clock frequency.
84 Mhz is the external clock frequency.
From -40 to +85 degrees Celsius are the operating temperatures.
I/P voltage recommendations range from 7V to 12V.
6 to 20 volts are the input voltage range.
54 digital I/O pins.
12 analog i/p pins.
Pins for analog o/p: 2.
Arduino Due Pin Configuration
Communication Interface of Arduino Due
“Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter” or UART. The major purpose of this interface is to program PRO MINI.
The Serial Peripheral Interface, or SPI, is used to send serial data between microcontrollers and one or more peripheral devices relatively effectively. SCK, SS, MOSI, and MISO are the four SPI pins found on the Arduino Due.
TWI: A two-wire interface, or TWI, is used to link peripherals.
CAN: CAN is a Controller Area Network Interface primarily used for controller-to-controller communication.
Synchronous Serial Communication Interface (SSC): SSC is mostly utilized in audio and telecom applications.
LM35 Temperature Sensor Connection to the Arduino Due
The temperature sensor interface for the LM35 with the Arduino is displayed below. A precision integrated circuit (IC) with o/p voltage proportional linear to Celsius temperature is the LM35 temperature sensor. Because this IC does not require the user to subtract a significant steady voltage from its o/p in order to obtain suitable centigrade scaling, it has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated within Kelvin.
The LM35 sensor does not require additional calibration or trimming in order to provide typical accuracy readings of 1/4°C at ambient temperature and 3/4°C above a full +150°C temperature range.
There are three pins on the LM35 temperature sensor: +5V, GND, and output. The LM35 sensor is connected to the Arduino Due board as follows:
The 3v3 pin on the Arduino board is connected to the Vcc pin of the temperature sensor. The temperature sensor’s GND pin is connected to the Arduino board’s GND pin. The A0 pin on the Arduino board is connected to the output pin of the temperature sensor.
Arduino Due LM35 Temperature Sensor Code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 |
const int analogIn = A0; int RawValue= 0; double Voltage = 0; double tempC = 0; double tempF = 0; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { RawValue = analogRead(analogIn); Voltage = (RawValue / 1023.0) * 3300; // 5000 to get millivots. tempC = Voltage * 0.1; tempF = (tempC * 1.8) + 32; // conver to F Serial.print("Raw Value = " ); // shows pre-scaled value Serial.print(RawValue); Serial.print("\t milli volts = "); // shows the voltage measured Serial.print(Voltage,0); // Serial.print("\t Temperature in C = "); Serial.print(tempC,1); Serial.print("\t Temperature in F = "); Serial.println(tempF,1); delay(500); } |
The output will be displayed on the serial monitor. So open the serial monitor to check the outputs like the following.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Raw Value = 69 milli volts = 220 Temperature in C = 22.1 Temperature in F = 72.5 Raw Value = 70 milli volts = 227 Temperature in C = 23.6 Temperature in F = 73.6 Raw Value = 71 milli volts = 230 Temperature in C = 23.9 Temperature in F = 74.2 Raw Value = 72 milli volts = 234 Temperature in C = 24.2 Temperature in F = 74.8 Raw Value = 73 milli volts = 236 Temperature in C = 24.5 Temperature in F = 75.4 Raw Value = 74 milli volts = 240 Temperature in C = 24.9 Temperature in F = 76.0 Raw Value = 75 milli volts = 243 Temperature in C = 25.2 Temperature in F = 76.5 Raw Value = 76 milli volts = 246 Temperature in C = 25.5 Temperature in F = 77.1 Raw Value = 77 milli volts = 249 Temperature in C = 54.8 Temperature in F = 77.7 |
How is the Arduino Due unique from other Arduino boards?
The voltage level of the Arduino Due board is different from that of previous varieties of Arduino boards. Hence, the Arduino Due board’s microprocessor operates at 3.3 V rather than the 5 V that is typically used in other Arduino boards. The Arduino Due board may become damaged if the pins are subjected to a higher voltage (>3.3 V). In comparison to other boards, the processor used in the Arduino Due board is the fastest. In comparison to other boards, the Arduino Due board has the largest available memory. The more expensive board, the Arduino Due, lacks any on-board EEPROM. The Due board includes a large no. of pin headers to connect to several digital I/O and is also pin-compatible through typical Arduino shields.
Algorithms & artificial intelligence are supported by Arduino Due. We may utilize this Arduino Due board in projects to develop artificial intelligence (AI) for mobile robots because it has a similar number of ports to the Arduino Mega board but is considerably more powerful. So, the Arduino Due board would be the appropriate choice if one wants to manage complex algorithms or otherwise make a robot more responsive.
Applications of Arduino Due
The Due is mostly employed in projects that utilize the Arduino platform.
It is frequently utilized in many different applications where quick processing speed is the desired outcome.
It is perfect for projects that demand a lot of processing power, such as drones that must process a lot of sensor data every second while being flown remotely.
Industry automation.
Security apparatus.
Application-based Virtual Reality.
Apps based on GSM and Android.
System Embedded.
home automation system that uses infrared.
automated arm.
Lights for emergencies.
Portable lifter.
Bluetooth home automation system.
Automatic intensity control for street lights.
robot that can avoid obstacles.
Vehicle for Climbing Walls.
System for a parking lot counter.