CD4017 IC Pinout, Specs, CD4017 IC Uses, CD4017 IC based Projects
Table of Contents
CD4017 IC:
The CD4017 is a 16 pin CMOS counter/divider which consists of 10 Johnson counters with 10 decoded outputs and a carry-out bit. The configuration of the CD4017 is used for a counting sequence. The 10/8 decoded outputs are turned on in sequence when the clock signal is applied at the input means that the outputs are in the low state “0” when we apply clock it goes in high state “1” on every positive edge of a clock each output turn on one by one. The carry-out signal will be high when for every 10 clock input cycles. The enable and reset pins are used to control counting and reset. The configuration permits medium speed operation and assures a hazard-free counting sequence. This IC count from 0 to 9 or 1 to 10.
- Cd4017 is 16 pin CMOS decade counter high operating frequency IC
- The voltage supply range is from 3V to 15V but in normal operation, +5V is used.
- Decoded outputs pins = 10
- Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V
- Clock input is Schmitt triggered which provides pulse shaping and therefore it has no rise and fall times limitation.
- Storage Temperature (TS) −65°C to +150°C
- High noise immunity: 0.45 VDD (typ.)
- Medium speed operation: 5.0 MHz (typ.) with 10V VDD
- Low power: 10 µW (typ.)
- Fully static operation
- CD4017 is TTL compatible
- It has a medium operational speed which is typically 5MHz and the maximum clock frequency is 5.5Mhz
- Multiple 16-pin packages PDIP, GDIP, PDSO packages
CD4017 IC Pin Configuration Description
The pin configuration of this IC can be explained below:
Q0 – Q9
CD4017 consists of 10 decoded outputs. One of the 10 decoded outputs may be high at a time. It is used to receive the output in a sequential manner. When the first pulse came from the clock pin 3 which output 0 will provide you the output and so on.
- Pin-1: When the counter reads 5 counts then this pin 1 will become high which is output number 5.
- Pin-2: When the counter reads 1 count then this pin 2 will become high which is output number 1.
- Pin-3: When the counter reads 0 counts then this pin 3 will become high which is the output number 0.
- Pin-4: When the counter reads 2 counts then this pin 4 will become high which is output number 2.
- Pin-5: When the counter reads 6 counts then this pin 5 will become high which is output number 6.
- Pin-6: When the counter reads 7 counts then this pin 6 will become high which is the output number 7.
- Pin-7: When the counter reads 3 counts then this pin 7 will become high which is the output number 3.
- Pin-9: When the counter reads 8 counts then this pin 9 will become high which is output number 8.
- Pin-10: When the counter reads 4 counts then this pin 10 will become high which is output number 4.
- Pin-11: When the counter reads 9 counts then this pin 11 will become high which is the output number 9.
Ground pin 8:
The ground is supply to this IC at Pin number 8.
Carry out pin 12:
This pin number is used to delay the counting operation. When the 10 clock cycles complete one full cycle complete and the carry bit will be used as a delay
Enable pin/Clock Pin 13:
When the enable is low then the IC CD 4017 will perform its operation. So to make the IC on we will ground the enable pin and if we want to off the IC we will make it high when this pin is in the high state it will ignore the clock signal. It will work only when we make this pin to operate in a low state.
Clock pin 14:
This pin will operate on the positive edge of the clock. When the first clock pulse is detected pin 3 goes, for the next clock pulse pin 2 goes high like this sequence is formed. A sequence output will be formed Q0 to Q9.
The clock signal important part of this IC because the whole working of this IC is based on this PIN, it should be connected with the voltage source if there is no clock signal because it should be not left unconnected.
Reset pin (Pin 15)
This pin will reset the counter from the beginning. The IC will operate when the Reset pin is in the low state and if we want to reset the counter we will provide high voltage.
Supply Pin 16
The voltage is supplied to this IC CD4017 through Pin number 16. The voltage range for this IC 3V to 15V for the IC to function.
CD4017 IC Uses:
As this CD4017 is a 5-stage decade counter. Therefore its most basic use is in counting applications. It can turn on its 10 outputs sequentially according to time and frequency at the CLK input pin. Its counting speed can be increase or decrease by increasing its frequency. This is commonly used in projects used for LED chasers for example LED sequencer. In this project, the decade counter IC increments the counter value on every clock pulse and the output pins get high one by one. LEDs are connected to these outputs which glow in a sequential pattern. CD4017 IC is best for projects that require a sequential counting pattern.
CD4017 IC working:
CD4017 has 10 output pins (Q0 to Q9) that get HIGH in a sequential pattern when the clock signal is applied. The first output we will get at pin number 3. The clock signal will be applied at Pin 14. This clock signal can be generated through 555 timer IC or any other digital IC’s. Pin 13 which is clock enable pin is kept LOW otherwise it can halt the clock signal and the IC will not perform counting. The Reset Pin is also kept LOW. This pin is responsible for resetting the counter to restart the counting from 0. Therefore, for normal operation of a circuit, these two pins are kept LOW which are Pin 13 and Pin 15.
CD4017 IC Timing Diagram
We can increase the counting to 20 by cascading two IC’s. Similarly, this range can be increased to 30, 40, …, 10N numbers. The cascading is done by carrying Out pin which is LOW by default but when the counts reach 10, this pin gets HIGH. It will remain HIGH for 5 counts then will go down to 0 volts. When the count reaches 10, it will go HIGH again. The timing diagram indicating the behavior of all the outputs on different inputs is given below:
CD4017 Applications
- LED matrix circuits
- LED chaser applications and LED-based projects
- Binary counter or Binary decoder
- Divisible counting by N
- Industrial and medical electronics.
- Used in LED chaser, LED matrix, and other LED projects
- Binary counter or Binary decoder
- Can be used for divide by N counting
- Remote metering, automotive, medical electronics
- Automotive
- Instrumentation
- Medical electronics
- Alarm systems
- Industrial electronics
- Remote metering
Projects based on CD4017 IC:
Frequency Divider Circuit using 555 Timer and CD4017:
In this project, the input frequency will be dividing by 2 and 4. This project works as Frequency Divider. When the input signal will be applied its frequency will be divided. Analog and digital signals both require Frequency dividers. In this circuit the input signal will be generated with the help of 555 timer IC the input frequency of the signal can be adjusted with the help of a potentiometer and resistor 555 timer will work as an astable multivibrator. The input signal will be divided by the help of CD4017. SPDT relay will uses for switching the frequency.
Components Required:
- CD 4017 IC
- 555 timer IC
- 330Ω Resistor
- 220Ω Resistor
- 10KΩ Resistor
- 47KΩ Resistor
- Potentiometer 50KΩ
- 7uF Capacitor
- 10nF Capacitor
- SPDT relay
- Voltage regulator LM 7805
- 9V battery
Frequency Divider Circuit Diagram and Explanation:
We will first create an input signal for the CD4017 with the help of the 555 timer IC. Connect pin number 4 of the 555 timer IC with the pin 8 and then connect it with the output of the LM7805. The LM7805 IC regulator will convert 12V into 5V. we will apply 12V at the input of the IC connect the middle input with the ground and the third terminal of the IC will be connected with the 555 timer pin 4 and 8. Connect the pin number 2 and 6 with the potentiometer which will be used to adjust the frequency of the input signal. Connect one terminal of 10 nano Farad capacitor the pin 2 and 6. Connect the other terminal of the capacitor with the ground. Connect the middle terminal of the potentiometer with the 47KΩ resistor. Connect the other terminal of the resistor with the Pin number 7 of the 555 timer IC. Now connect 10KΩ resistor at pin 7 and another terminal of the resistor with the 5V power supply. Connect pin number 16 with the power supply. Connect pin number 3 of the 555 timer IC with the pin number 14 of the CD4017. Connect the pin number 15 with the relay whose terminals are connected with pin number 4 and 10. Connect pin number 8 and 13 with the ground. Connect 330Ω resistor with pin number 14 and connect led with this resistor and cathode of the LED will be connected with the ground. This LED will blink which will show us that the clock signal is coming from the 555 timer IC. Connect 220Ω resistor at pin number 2 and connect LED with this resistor whose negative terminal is connected with the ground. This led blinking will show us the output frequency.
Password locker using CD4017:
This is a key code lock switch circuit, type of electronic circuit. To replace a conventional normal key switch, without inserts keys. But you can press the number code instead of unlocking keys. We do not need to carry a load key, and do not worry about your keys are lost. We just must remember to commit to code only.
We can use CD4017 IC to create password based locker. In this project we are using relay with which we can control anything for example we can control led, ac bulb or door locker. We can use it for multi purposes.
Components Required:
- CD 4017 IC
- 10KΩ Resistor
- 100KΩ 2 Resistors
- Push buttons
- Led
- Diode
- BC 547 transistor
- Capacitor 100µF
- Battery 9V
Circuit diagram and Explanation:
The password we using for this project is 4123. Connect diodes with pin number 10, 3, 2, 4, and 7. Now connect 10KΩ resistor with diode at pin number 10 and connect the BC547 transistor base with this resistor connect the emitter of the transistor with the ground. Now connect push buttons with pin number 3, 2, 4, and connect these buttons with pin number 14 of the IC. The push-button consists of four pins in which pin number 1 and pin number 3 are internally connected and pin 2 and pin 4 are internally connected. If we connect something with pin 1 and pin 3 then pressing the push button will have no effect on it. But if we connect led at pin 1 and 2 then it will be affected by the push button. For example, it will be on and off with the push button. Now connect 100 KΩ resistor with the pin number 14. Connect the pin 8 and 13 with the 100 KΩ resistor and ground of the battery. Connect the collector of the transistor with the relay one coil and connect the other coil of the relay with the voltage supply. Connect pin number 16 with the power supply. Connect the 100µF capacitor with the positive and negative wire of the power supply. Now connect 6 pushbuttons with the pin number 15. These buttons will be used to reset the IC. The power supply for this circuit is 9V.
Super Sensitive circuit using CD4017:
This project will detect Alternating current. This circuit is very sensitive it can detect very small signal for example if we touch the antenna the buzzer will start.
This project is an easy and safe AC live line tester. The electromagnetic induction principle is used by all voltage detectors. When current is passing through a conductor magnetic field is produced. When we place an antenna near an AC energized object, a small current gets induced into the antenna due to electromagnetic induction. we will amplify this current with the help of a transistor and activate buzzer or led that ac voltage is present
Components required:
- CD4017 IC
- BC547 transistor
- 1KΩ Resistor
- Buzzer
- Battery
- Antenna
AC Live Wire Tester Circuit diagram and Explanation:
We will connect pin number 8, 13, and 15 with the ground. Connect the antenna with pin number 14 which will detect the signal. It acts like a clock that will give pulse to the IC. Connect pin number 16 with the voltage supply. Connect 1KΩ resistor with the base of the transistor BC547. Connect the negative terminal of the buzzer with the collector and connect the emitter with the ground. Now the circuit is complete and it will perform its function. When using this project make sure that there is no direct contact with the live terminals.
Led chaser using CD4017:
Light chasers are decorative lights or LEDs arranged in different moving patterns by modifying this project we can also use it to control ac main lights which create a chasing light or running light kind of effect. These look very interesting and are surely eye-catching and that’s why these types of lighting arrangements have gained immense popularity in today’s world. We can create simpler yet very interesting light effects to on-off lights in sequential order that can be generated through ordinary ICs like IC 4017 and IC 555. This design requires very few components for the configuration.
Components Required:
- CD4017 IC
- 555 IC
- 10 KΩ Resistor
- 220 Ω Resistor
- 100 KΩ Potentiometer
- 10µF Capacitor
- 8 LEDs
- 9V battery
LED Chaser Circuit diagram and Explanation:
The 555 timer IC is configured to work in an astable mode to provide a clock signal to the IC. This means, the output from the 555 timer changes continuously with the help of a potentiometer we can vary the frequency for this circuit the voltage will vary between high (Supply Voltage) and low (0V). The 555 IC produces clock signal if we connect an LED between the output of the 555 timer and the ground, the LED flashes/blinks continuously which means that the output is high for some time and then low.
This pulsing output from the 555 timer is connected to the clock input of 4017 IC pin number 14. We can connect 10 led with this IC at a time as it consists of 10 outputs. By default, the first output pin is on/high and the rest are off. Each time the clock input pin of 4017 IC detects a rise in voltage (from low to high), it turns off the current output and turns on the next sequential output. This swapping of outputs which looks like the LEDs are chasing each other, continues until the last LED and then the output resets back to the first LED.
For this LED chaser circuit, we have used the 8 outputs of the 4017 IC. But if you wish to make an LED chaser circuit with more or less LEDs then we can connect to its output.
Connection of the circuit:
First, we will create a clock signal for the CD4017 with the help of 555 IC. Connect pin number 4 and 8 with the voltage source. Now connect 10KΩ resistor one terminal with the pin number 7 and other terminal with the voltage source. Connect a potentiometer with pin number 6 and 7. Connect pin number 6 with the pin 2 and connect 10µF capacitor positive terminal with it and the negative terminal with the ground. Now connect pin 3 of the 555 IC with the clock pin of CD4017 which is pin number 14. Connect pin number 8, 13, and 15 of CD4017 with the ground. Connect the pin 16 with the voltage source. Now connect the 220Ω resistor with pin 1 and connect the led with the resistor the negative side of the led will be connected with the ground. The same procedure will be used to connect other led at the out pin 1 to 7.
IR based Remote Control Switch using CD4071:
We can use this Remote control switch in different applications such as in hospitals, restaurants, home appliances, office equipment’s, etc. This type of switch circuit is used for controlling on and off switches of lights, fans from a distance. The advantage with this system is that it saves unnecessary wiring and it is also an ideal option for patients and aged people. This project will turn on and off the appliance when we press the button in the remote. When we push the button in the remote it will send infrared rays to the circuit which will be received by the IR receiver in the circuit and the appliance will be on with the help of CD4017.
Components Required:
- CD4017 IC
- IR Receiver
- BC547 transistor
- Spdt relay
- Diode 1N4007
- 1KΩ 2 resistors
- 330Ω resistor
- 7µF capacitor
- battery
IR based Remote control using CD4017, Circuit diagram, and explanation:
The IR receiver consists of three pins we will supply 5V at pin number one, connect 1kΩ resistor with pin number 2 of the IR receiver now connect the other terminal of the resistor with the clock pin of CD4017 which is 14 number pin. Now the data obtained from the IR receiver will be in pulse form whether it will be high or low. Connect 4.7µF capacitor one terminal with the 1 kΩ resistor and the other with the ground. Connect the third terminal of the IR receiver with the ground. Connect the power supply with the pin number 16 of the CD4017 and with the one coil of the relay. Connect pin number 2 with the 1 kΩ resistor connect the other terminal of the resistor with the base of the BC547 transistor. Connect the collector of the transistor with the 2nd coil of the IC and emitter with the ground. Connect pin number 8 with the ground. Connect 330Ω resistor with the 1KΩ resistor and connect the other terminal of the resistor with the ground. Now the circuit is complete we can control anything with the help of a relay. We can control various appliances by connecting the appliance with the common and normal open of the relay. When the receiver will receive a signal it will make the relay close and the appliance will be turned on.