ESP32 Cam with Telegram App, Send images to Telegram

ESP32 Cam with Telegram:


ESP32 Cam with Telegram App, Send images to Telegram- Today, we are going to make an IoT based Security Camera using ESP32 Cam Module and Telegram application.

But this is not just another security camera. It’s a camera with a twist. With a simple command, like ‘/flash,’ you can illuminate the night, ensuring you have a clear view of your surroundings whenever you need it.

allpcb circuit

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

And that’s not all. A tap on your Smartphone, using the command ‘/photo,’ unleashes the power of this incredible ESP32 Camera module, capturing high-quality images and instantly sending them to your Telegram app, right at your fingertips

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

This is a brilliant combination of hardware and software, unlocking a new level of control and security. It’s all about making your life safer and more convenient, 24/7. And since, this project is based on the IoT “Internet of things” so, you can request images from any part of the world provided if the internet connection is available.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

This security camera is designed with portability in mind. You have the flexibility to power it using a single-cell lithium-ion battery, a LiPo battery, or a 4S lithium-ion battery pack, just like the one I’m using here with a 5V and 3A power supply. This setup has been invaluable for me, not only for this project but also for powering my Arduino-based projects that demand higher current.

For the sake of simplicity, I’ve opted not to include sensors like PIR motion sensors, microwave sensors, or ultrasonic sensors in this version. This way, beginners can dive right in and get started without any complexity.

But, stay tuned for my upcoming video and article where I’ll take this project to the next level by integrating one of these sensors, making it fully automatic. If you’re eager not to miss any of my future videos and project updates, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button!

So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

Amazon Links:

ESP32 Cam Module

Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

As I explained earlier, in this project, we are not using any sensors so there is no circuit diagram. All you need is the ESP32 Cam module and this ESP32 Camera development board for uploading the program. But, if you don’t have this development board then you can use the Arduino Uno for uploading the program. For this, you can read my getting started article on the ESP32 Camera module. But, I highly recommend, get yourself this ESP32 Camera development board, and trust me it will save a lot of your time. Now, let’s go ahead and setup the Arduino IDE.

ESP32 CAM in the Arduino IDE:

First of all, we will need to add the ESP32 Cam module in the Arduino IDE. Because, by default no ESP32 board is installed in the Arduino IDE and you can confirm this by going to the Tools Menu, then to Board, and you can see there is no ESP32 board.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

So, first we will need to add it in the boards list, for this copy this Board Manager URL link;

Then go back to the Arduino IDE, go to the File Menu, then preferences, and paste this link in the Additional Boards Manager URLs and click the Ok button.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Next, go to the Tools Menu, then Board and click on the Boards Manager. Search for the ESP32. You can see we have Arduino ESP32 Boards and ESP32 by Espressif Systems.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

So, make sure you install this one and don’t forget to select the latest version. Finally, the board installation has been completed and now we can confirm this by going to the boards list.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

You can see all the different variants of the ESP32 Boards have been added. Now, let’s go ahead and open the program.

Install the required libraries:

Before, you start the programming, first of all, make sure you install the required libraries in the Arduino IDE. For this, simply copy the library name > then go to the Sketch Menu > then to Include Library > and click on the manage libraries. Paste the library name in the search box and install it. As you can see in the image down below, I have already installed the UniversalTelegramBot library.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Follow the same exact steps for the other library.  

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

It’s already installed but needs an update so let’s update it. It’s good to keep all your libraries updated. Anyway, after installing the ESP32 Board in the Arduino IDE and after installing all the required libraries then you can congratulate yourself, because you are done with the hard work. Let’s go ahead and take a look the programming. 

ESP32 CAM with Telegram Programming:

Make sure you change the SSID and Password.

You will also need to change the BOTtoken and CHAT_ID. You will get it from the Telegram App which I will explain in a minute. So, when your code is ready then all you need is to connect your ESP32 Camera module to your Laptop or PC.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Select the ESP32 Wrover Module.

Upload speed: 921600

Flash frequency: 80Mhz

Flash Mode: “QIO”

Partition Scheme: Huge APP (3MB No OTA) and

Finally, select the port and upload the program.

I have already uploaded this program. Now, let’s setup the Telegram Application.

Telegram App Setup:

Open the Telegram application on your cell phone, click the search button, and then click on the BotFather.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Click on the Restart.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Click on the /newbot to create a new bot.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

First choose a name for your bot and then press enter and then choose a username for your bot. it must end in ‘bot’. if incase you have any confusion, you can watch the video tutorial given at the end of this article.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

When you press enter, you will get the congratulation message along with the BOTtoken.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

6869476801:AAEOcKK7JYWUEkJkW4P5qomsQLbziHUKX4s this is the BOTtoken, simply copy it and paste in the programming next to the BOTtoken.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Click the back button. This time search for the idbot.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Click the IDBot and then press the /start.

Next, write the /getid

ESP32 Cam with Telegram


You will get the Chat ID, simply copy it and paste it next to the CHAT_ID in the programming and that’s it.

ESP32 Cam with Telegram

Click the back button, then click on the BotFather, and finally, click on your bot link and start controlling and monitoring your ESP32 Camera module.  

Let me remind you one more time, for any confusion, you can watch the video tutorial given below. If you liked the video; don’t forget to subscribe my YouTube channel.

Watch Video Tutorial:

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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