Firebase Android Application Designing using Android Studio, ESP32 DHT11

Firebase Android Application Project Description:

Firebase Android Application Designing using Android Studio, ESP32 DHT11- This is part 2 of my previous tutorial based on the ESP32 and Firebase. In which I explained how to set up your firebase database account for the ESP32 Wifi + Bluetooth module so that the Sensor data can be monitored in real-time from anywhere around the world. I highly recommend first watch this tutorial and then you can resume from here. Because, in this tutorial, I will be using the same Firebase Database account.

Firebase Android Application

In this tutorial, which is version 2, you will learn how to design your own Firebase Android application using Android Studio. For the demonstration purposes, I have connected the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module with the ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module. The Temperature and Humidity values from the ESP32 are sent to the Firebase Android application.

Firebase Android Application

allpcb circuit

About the Sponsor “PCBWay”:

Firebase Android Application

High quality & Only 24 Hours Build time

This ESP32 Power Supply PCB board is sponsored and manufactured by the PCBway Company, which is one of the most experienced PCB and PCB assembly manufacturer. They create high-quality PCBs at reasonable prices, Only 5 dollars for 10 PCBs and 30 dollars in total for 20 PCBs assembly; besides this the new members also get a 5 Dollars bonus. As you can see the quality is really great, the silkscreen is quite clear and the black solder mask looks amazing. I am 100% satisfied with their work.

Download Gerber files:

The temperature and Humidity values which are sent using the ESP32 module can be monitored on the computer screen by opening your Google Firebase Database Account and can also be monitored on the Android cell phone using a specially designed Firebase application. This is an IoT Firebase Android application as this cell phone application works only if the internet connection is available.

Firebase Android Application

If you watch the video tutorial given below and also read this article, you will be able to design your own Advanced level Firebase Android applications. The programming is very simple and can be easily modified by anyone.

Without any further delay let’s get started!!!

Amazon links:

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module(Recommended)

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module:

*Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Firebase Android Application, ESP32 and DHT11 Circuit Diagram:

Firebase Android Application

Let’s first start with the 5v regulated power supply based on the LM7805 voltage regulator. This is the same 5v regulated power supply I have been using for the Nodemcu ESP8266 Wifi module.

J1 is the female power jack and this is where we connect a 12v adaptor, battery or a solar panel. Two 470uf decoupling capacitors are connected at the input and output sides of the voltage regulator. A 330-ohm resistor is connected in series with a 2.5v led. This is a current limiting resistor. The output of the voltage regulator is connected with the 5v pin of the ESP32 module and the ground of the power supply is connected with the ground of ESP32 module.

The DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module VDD pin is connected with the ESP32 module 3.3V pin. The DATA pin of the DHT11 sensor is connected with the GPIO15. Pin 3 of the DHT11 sensor is not connected, while the last pin of the DHT11 sensor is connected with the ground.

About the ESP32 Power Supply PCB Board:

Firebase Android Application

This is the ESP32 power supply board Manufactured by the PCBWay Company. I have already explained the designing and making of this board. Finally, I connected the DHT11 sensor with the ESP32 Wifi + Bluetooth Module as per the circuit diagram already explained.

Firebase Android Application

The Yellow wire is the Data wire and is connected with the GPIO15. White wire is the ground wire and the Green wire is the 3.3V wire. Our hardware is ready.

Google Firebase Account Set Up:

Firebase Android Application

This is the Firebase account which I created in my previous tutorial; in this tutorial I used a variable resistor as the sensor. But, it really doesn’t matter which sensor you are using, the Firebase account set up will remain the same. So I will continue with the same Firebase account, so that you can easily follow all the steps. So after creating your firebase account, then the next step is to program the ESP32 module.

ESP32 and DT11 Firebase Programming:

Before, you start the programming, first of all, make sure you download all the necessary libraries from my website, you can find a link in the description. As you can see this is the same exact program which I used in my previous tutorial. This time I did a few changes that is added some code for the DHT11 Sensor. The purpose of this code is to read the Temperature and Humidity values and then send these values to the Google Firebase Database account, from where the values are then displayed on the android cell phone application.

After uploading the above code, my next step was to confirm, if I can receive the Temperature and Humidity values in the Google Firebase Database. So, I opened my firebase account and turned ON my ESP32 Board. I successfully received the values.

Firebase Android Application

As you can see the code is working. Now, we can start working on the Firebase Android application designing using the Android Studio.

Firebase Android Application Designing in Android Studio:

Before you follow this tutorial, make sure you know the basics of how to work in Android Studio? If you don’t know then first read some articles or watch some videos and then you can resume from here. Because in this tutorial, I will not explain the most basics things like e.g, Android Studio installation etc.

Open your Android Student Software and Start a new Android Studio project.

Firebase Android Application

Create New Project window will open, while the Phone and Tablet Tab is selected, start by selecting the empty activity and click on the next button

Firebase Android Application

Fill up all the fields as per your project requirement. As you can see in the picture below, I entered my details as per my Firebase Account, your project name may be different, your Save location may be different. Select Java and select the same Minimum API Level. After filling all the fields you can go ahead and click on the Next button.

Firebase Android Application

Wait for sync

Firebase Android Application

Open the Google search engine and search for the Firebase console.

Firebase Android Application

Go ahead click on the Firebase Console link. This will take you to the Google Firebase account.

Firebase Android Application

As you can see I already created the esp32andfirebase account in my previous tutorial, so I will click on this existing account. Click on project setting to add the app in the firebase app registration list.

Firebase Android Application

In project settings, select the general tab and in the bottom click on android icon.

Firebase Android Application

A new window will open add firebase to your android app

Firebase Android Application

Copy the app package name  and paste in firebase field and click on the register app

Firebase Android Application

Firebase Android Application

Download the google-services json file  and click next

Firebase Android Application

Firebase Android Application

Congratulation message will displayed and then click on continue console.

Firebase Android Application

Now copy the downloaded Google services json file  to your android project.

Firebase Android Application

For copying the Google services json file first of all change from android to project

Firebase Android Application

Then right click on app and paste the file

Firebase Android Application

Now change from project to android again.

Firebase Android Application

Now add the dependency  and click on sync

Firebase Android Application

Now we design the application open the activity_main.xml file and paste the below code

Firebase Android Application

To check the design click on design

Firebase Android Application

Now open the file and paste the below code

Firebase Android Application

Open the manifest.xml file and past add user permission

Firebase Android Application

Now finally click on tools in tools click on firebase

Firebase Android Application

A new panel will open, on right side in panel, click on realtime database. In realtime database click on save and retrieve data

Firebase Android Application

And then click on connect to firebase

Firebase Android Application

And run your project I used my phone as an emulator you create your own emulator or use your phone as an emulator and click ok

Firebase Android Application

The Firebase Android application is ready, now you can generate an APK file. So, after installing the APK file in my cell phone. Again I powered up my ESP32 board, and I was able to receive the Temperature and Humidity values on my cell phone application.

Firebase Android Application

For the practical demonstration, watch video tutorial given below. If you have any questions regarding this project, let me know in a comment. Don’t forget to Subscribe to my website and YouTube Channel “Electronic Clinic”.

Watch Video Tutorial:


Other Firebase based Projects:

Arduino Firebase Database, Students Attendance system using RFID and GSM

Arduino Firebase project: send data to Firebase using Nodemcu esp8266, firebase library, auth, iot




Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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