Arduino Projects

Arduino LoRa Ra-02 Range Test using Different types of Antennas

Arduino LoRa Range Test:


Arduino LoRa Range Test using Different types of Antennas- In my previous article, I made this Arduino LoRa development board for the prototyping and testing my arduino based projects. I have already tested the relays, SSD1306 Oled display module, and the 5 volt Buzzer. But I didn’t check the Ai-thinker 433Mhz Ra-02 LoRa transceiver module. I have designed this board using the Altium Designer software.

Image depicting DIY Arduino LoRa development boards, showcasing the process of creating custom LoRa-enabled Arduino boards for wireless communication projects.

So, for this test, I made one more development board and now I can easily perform my tests. Because, now, I can use one of these development boards as the transmitter, and the other one as the receiver. It’s not only about the checking if these LoRa modules are working are not, but its specifically about testing the communication range using different types of Antennas. And we will see which LoRa antennas are going to give us maximum communication range. So, without any further delay, let’s get started!!!

Amazon Links:

Arduino Nano USB-C Type (Recommended)

LoRa Ra-02

LoRa Antennas

SSD1306 Oled display Module

*Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

An image depicting a wireless temperature monitoring system using LoRa Ra-02. The system utilizes the LoRa Ra-02 module for wireless communication, allowing for remote transmission of temperature data. This image showcases the setup for wireless temperature monitoring, emphasizing the use of LoRa technology for reliable and long-range data transmission.

For the demonstration purposes, I am using one board as the transmitter and the other board as the receiver. On the transmitter side, I have connected the DHT21 Temperature and Humditiy sensor. So, I will be sending its value wirelessly to the receiver side where the temperature and humidity values will be printed on the Oled display module. If you want to make the same exact development boards then you can read my article on Arduino development board. Or if you want to use the readymade LoRa modules then you can follow the circuit diagrams given below.

Arduino LoRa TX side:

Diagram illustrating the circuit for temperature and humidity monitoring using Arduino and LoRa Ra-02. The circuit diagram showcases the connections and components required to interface the Arduino with the LoRa Ra-02 module and the temperature and humidity sensor, enabling the monitoring and transmission of temperature and humidity data over LoRa communication.

The LoRa connections on the Transmitter and receiver side are exactly the same. The VCC of the LoRa module is connected with the 3.3V of the Arduino nano. The MISO Pin of the LoRa module is connected with the Arduino’s pin 12. The MOSI pin is connected with the Arduino’s pin 11. The SCLK pin of the LoRa module is connected with the Arduino’s pin 13. The NSS pin is connected with the Arduino’s pin 10 and the ground pin of the LoRa module is connected with the Arduino’s GND.

Now to connect DHT21 sensor with Arduino nano:

  • Connect the signal pin of the DHT21 with the D3 pin of the Arduino nano.
  • Connect the VCC pin of the DHT21 with the 3.3V of the Arduino nano. And
  • Connect the ground pin of the DHT21 with the ground of the Arduino nano.

Arduino LoRa Receiver Side:

Diagram illustrating the circuit for an Arduino LoRa receiver used for monitoring temperature and humidity sensors. The circuit showcases the connections and components required to interface the Arduino with the LoRa module and the temperature and humidity sensor, enabling data monitoring and collection.

  • Connect VCC of the OLED with 3.3V of the Arduino nano.
  • Connect ground of the OLED with ground of the Arduino nano.
  • Connect the SDA pin of the OLED with A4 pin of the Arduino nano.
  • Connect the SCL pin of the OLED with A5 pin of the Arduino nano.

Now, let’s go ahead and take a look at different types of LoRa Antennas.

Download the Required Libraries:

Download: LoRa.h

Download: Adafruit_GFX.h

Download: Adafruit_SSD1306.h

LoRa Tx side Program:

LoRa Rx Side Program:

Altium Designer + Altium 365 + Octopart:

Arduino LoRa Free SMS

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Types of LoRa Antennas:

An image featuring the AI-Thinker Ra-02 module, a LoRa transceiver operating at a frequency of 433MHz. The Ra-02 module is specifically designed for LoRa communication and provides reliable long-range wireless connectivity. Its compact size and integration-friendly design make it suitable for various applications. The image highlights the Ra-02 module, showcasing its features and emphasizing its compatibility with the 433MHz LoRa frequency band.

Along with 433Mhz Ra-02 LoRa modules I also got these three different types of 433Mhz antennas from the Ai-Thinker.

An image featuring different types of LoRa antennas: a whip antenna, a suction cup antenna, and a flexible PCB antenna. These antennas are designed for LoRa communication and offer various form factors and mounting options. The image showcases the different antenna options available for LoRa applications, providing flexibility in terms of range, installation, and adaptability to specific project requirements.

First let’s start with the 433Mhz Flexible PCB Antenna.

433Mhz Flexible PCB Antenna for LoRa:

An image of a flexible PCB antenna designed for LoRa communication operating at a frequency of 433MHz. The antenna is made of a thin and flexible printed circuit board material, allowing it to be bent and shaped to fit various devices and applications. It features compact dimensions and a compact, efficient design optimized for optimal signal reception and transmission in LoRa-based systems.

These are 433Mhz FPC 27x17mm Omni directional flexible PCB Antennas.

Its gain is 2 DBi.

The Antenna efficiency is between 35-80%.

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio ( VSWR ) : < 1.8

Antenna interface is Ipex1

Operating Temperature is around 70 degrees Celsius.

433Mhz LoRa Whip Antenna:

An image showcasing a range test of a 433MHz LoRa whip antenna. The whip antenna is specifically designed for LoRa communication and is being tested to evaluate its range capabilities. The test measures the distance at which the whip antenna can establish and maintain reliable communication between transmitter and receiver. The image captures the setup, highlighting the antenna's performance and demonstrating its suitability for long-range LoRa communication applications.

This is 433MHz LoRa Whip Antenna.

Its gain is 5 DBi.

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio ( VSWR ) : < 1.5

Input Impedance is 50 ohms.

Polarization is vertical.

Weight is 20 grams.

Connector type is SMA-JW

433Mhz suction cup LoRa Antenna:

An image displaying a suction cup-mounted 433MHz LoRa antenna. This antenna is specifically designed for LoRa communication and features a suction cup base for easy installation on smooth surfaces. The suction cup allows for flexible placement and repositioning of the antenna to optimize signal reception and transmission. The image showcases the suction cup-mounted LoRa antenna, highlighting its convenience and suitability for applications where a temporary or movable antenna solution is needed.

This is the 433Mhz suction cup LoRa Antenna. It’s a high gainsucker antenna.

Its gain is 5dBi

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio ( VSWR ) : < 1.5

Resistance is 50 ohms

Interface is SMA-JW

Which LoRa Antenna is best?

The choice of the best LoRa antenna depends on various factors such as the specific application, environment, and requirements. Let’s take a closer look at each option you mentioned:

Flexible PCB Antenna: Flexible PCB antennas are compact and lightweight, making them suitable for space-constrained devices. They can be integrated directly onto the circuit board, eliminating the need for external components. They offer reasonable performance and are cost-effective. However, their range and coverage might be limited compared to other types of antennas. Flexible PCB antennas are commonly used in wearable devices, small sensors, and IoT applications.

Whip Antenna: Whip antennas are traditional, omnidirectional antennas that consist of a straight metal rod or wire. They are easy to install and provide good coverage in all directions. Whip antennas generally have better range and signal penetration capabilities compared to flexible PCB antennas. However, they are more physically visible and may be susceptible to damage or vandalism due to their external placement. Whip antennas are commonly used in outdoor applications, gateways, and situations where maximum coverage is desired.

Suction Cup Antenna: Suction cup antennas are a specific type of whip antenna designed for temporary or portable installations. They usually have a suction cup base that allows them to be attached to a flat surface like a window or a car windshield. Suction cup antennas provide flexibility in placement and are easy to remove and reposition. However, their performance might be slightly compromised compared to fixed whip antennas due to the suction cup attachment mechanism.

In summary, there is no universally “best” LoRa antenna as it depends on the specific use case and requirements. If space is limited and cost-effectiveness is a priority, a flexible PCB antenna might be suitable. If maximum coverage and range are essential, a whip antenna would be a better choice. Suction cup antennas are ideal for temporary or portable installations where flexibility in placement is required. It is important to consider factors such as size, range, coverage, and installation requirements when selecting the most suitable LoRa antenna for a particular application.

Let’s go ahead and find out which LoRa antenna is going to perform well during Out of sight range test and during Line of sight range test.

So, first let’s go ahead and start with the 433Mhz LoRa Flexible PCB Antennas.

433Mhz LoRa Flexible PCB Antenna Test:

An image illustrating a range test of a flexible PCB antenna designed for LoRa communication at a frequency of 433MHz. The range test is conducted using an Arduino, a popular microcontroller platform. The flexible PCB antenna is connected to the Arduino, enabling the transmission and reception of LoRa signals over an extended distance. This test showcases the antenna's performance and range capabilities, demonstrating its suitability for long-range LoRa communication projects when integrated with Arduino-based systems.

I have powered up the receiver side using a 12V adaptor and the transmitter side using my created 4S Lithium Ion Battery. I can use different voltage sources because the onboard 5V and 3A power supply can accept wide range of input voltages between 7 and 28 volts. The reason I am using a battery pack on the transmitter side is because I want to make it portable so that my brother can freely move around while testing the communication range.

Anyway, you can already see the Temperature and humidity values on the receiver side.

This project involves utilizing an Arduino microcontroller and the LoRa Ra-02 module to create a temperature and humidity monitoring system. The Arduino collects temperature and humidity data from a sensor and transmits it wirelessly using the LoRa Ra-02 module

You can see as I apply heat to the sensor the temperature value on the Oled display module increased to 25.90 degrees Celsius. So, its working.

LoRa Flexible PCB Out of Sight Range Test:

During this first test, the receiver side is going to be inside the room and I am going to ask my brother to take the transmitter outside. I just want to check if the signals are powerful enough to penetrate through walls and different obstacles.

During this test, I was asking my brother about his location to find out from how far these modules could communicate. While he was moving around in the street outside, I could see the LEDs blinking on the receiver side. Then, at one point, the communication stopped.

An image depicting a range test of a flexible PCB antenna designed for LoRa communication at a frequency of 433MHz. The antenna is designed to be flexible and mounted on a PCB, allowing it to be concealed or hidden from view. The range test demonstrates the antenna's capability to maintain reliable communication even when located outside the line of sight, showcasing its effectiveness in long-range LoRa applications.

When I checked it on Google Maps, the distance was 243 meters. This is the distance when both LoRa modules are out of sight and there are walls and obstacles in between, as you can see in the image.

433Mhz LoRa Whip Out of Sight Range Test:

An image depicting a range test of a LoRa whip antenna. The test measures the distance at which the whip antenna can establish and maintain reliable LoRa communication, showcasing its range capabilities.

Next, I told my brother to connect the 433Mhz LoRa Whip Antenna and I also connected the same LoRa Whip Antenna on the receiver side. And as you can see, I am not able to receive the data. So, I told my brother to come back.

An image capturing a range test of a whip antenna designed for 433MHz LoRa communication, conducted using an Arduino. The whip antenna is specifically optimized for LoRa frequencies and provides enhanced signal reception and transmission capabilities. The range test involves the antenna connected to an Arduino, demonstrating its ability to establish reliable communication over an extended distance. This image showcases the effectiveness of the whip antenna in extending the communication range of LoRa-based projects when paired with an Arduino platform.

And then at one point I started receiving the data.

An image depicting an out-of-sight range test of a 433MHz LoRa whip antenna. The whip antenna, designed specifically for LoRa communication, is being tested for its performance beyond the line of sight. This test aims to evaluate the antenna's ability to maintain reliable communication even when obstacles obstruct the direct line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. The image captures the setup, showcasing the whip antenna's capability to extend the LoRa communication range and overcome the limitations of line-of-sight transmission.

I checked the distance on Google map and it was 91 meters. Seriously, I was thinking the Whip antenna’s would perform well than the small Flexible PCB antennas.

433Mhz suction cup LoRa Antenna Out of Sight Range Test:

An image depicting a range test of a LoRa antenna with a suction cup mount, conducted using an Arduino. The test measures the maximum distance at which the suction cup-mounted LoRa antenna, in combination with the Arduino, can establish and maintain reliable LoRa communication. This image showcases the performance and range capabilities of the antenna when used with an Arduino-based system.

Next, I connected this 433Mhz suction cup LoRa Antenna. As I have got only one antenna, so I connected it on the receiver side. While on the transmitter side the Whip antenna is connected. You can see I can receive the temperature and humidity values. So, I told my brother to go in the opposite direction. And then at point the LEDs stopped blinking and there was no communication.

An image illustrating a range test of a LoRa whip antenna in combination with a suction cup antenna. The test measures the distance at which the combined setup of the whip antenna and the suction cup antenna can establish and maintain reliable LoRa communication, showcasing their range capabilities.

I checked the distance on google map and it was 118 meters. Because of the Suction Cup antenna on the receiver side the communication distance improved a little.

Anyway, I told my brother to connect the Flexible PCB Antenna on the transmitter side, while on the receiver side I am using the Suction Cup Antenna. Anyway, I told my brother to start walking in the opposite direction. Then at one point LEDs stopped blinking and there was no communication.

So, I checked the distance on Google map and it was 305 meters. This is so far the maximum out of sight range.

Arduino LoRa Range Test

Flexible PCB antennas are great and when used with Suction cup antenna the communication range can be further increased. So, the Flexible PCB Antenna and the Suction Cup antenna gave me the maximum out of sight communication distance.

LoRa Line of sight range tests using different Antennas:

Next, we are going to perform line of sight test on these different types of LoRa antennas.

433Mhz LoRa Whip Line of Sight Range Test:

An image illustrating a line-of-sight range test using an Arduino and the AI-Thinker LoRa Ra-02 module with a whip antenna. The test measures the maximum distance at which the whip antenna, in combination with the Arduino and the Ra-02 module, can establish and maintain reliable LoRa communication in a direct line-of-sight environment.

I came to this open location to perform the line of site test. My brother is right there on top of the mountain with the transmitter. I started with the 433MHz LoRa whip Antenna’s. Let’s see from how far these modules can communicate when in line of sight.

Arduino LoRa Range Test

I checked the distance on Google map and the distance was 432 meters.

An image capturing a line-of-sight range test of 433MHz LoRa whip antennas. The whip antennas, designed for LoRa communication, are being tested to assess their range capabilities in an unobstructed, direct line-of-sight scenario. The test measures the maximum distance at which the whip antennas can establish and maintain reliable communication between the transmitter and receiver without any obstacles in the signal path. The image showcases the setup and highlights the antennas' performance in line-of-sight conditions, demonstrating their effectiveness for long-range LoRa communication.

LoRa Flexible PCB Line of Sight Test:

Next, we connected the LoRa Flexible PCB antenna’s on the transmitter and receiver side. And as you can see its working.

An image illustrating a communication range test using an Arduino and a flexible PCB antenna designed for LoRa. The test evaluates the effective communication distance achieved by the combination of Arduino and the flexible PCB antenna, highlighting its range capabilities for LoRa-based projects.

433Mhz suction cup LoRa Antenna Line of Sight Range Test:

I performed the same test for the 433Mhz Suction Cup LoRa Antenna and it was working.

Arduino LoRa Range Test

This is the maximum distance I can check over here. So, I am going back to home and let’s see if I can receive the temperature and humidity values over there.

Maximum Line of sight distance check:

So, I came back to my home and right now I am on the roof and from here I can see the mountain. And I can also see my brother, he is right on the top.

An image illustrating a line-of-sight range test using an Arduino and the AI-Thinker LoRa Ra-02 module with a whip antenna. The test measures the maximum distance at which the whip antenna, in combination with the Arduino and the Ra-02 module, can establish and maintain reliable LoRa communication in a direct line-of-sight environment.

The mountain is 955 meters away from my house. I confirmed this distance on the Google Map.

An image showcasing the maximum range test of the LoRa Ra-02 module with a whip antenna. The test measures the farthest distance at which the Ra-02 module, paired with the whip antenna, can establish and maintain reliable communication, demonstrating the long-range capabilities of the setup.

Anyway, First we started with the LoRa whip antennas and as you can see i am able to receive the Temperature and humidity values.

An image showcasing the maximum range test of the LoRa Ra-02 module with a whip antenna. The test measures the farthest distance at which the Ra-02 module, paired with the whip antenna, can establish and maintain reliable communication, demonstrating the long-range capabilities of the setup.

Its working great and I am sure it will cover around 1.5km.

Arduino LoRa Range Test

Next, we connected the Flexible PCB antennas on the transmitter and receiver side, and it worked superbly. During the out of sight range test, it almost covered twice the distance of the LoRa whip antennas. And I think the flexible PCB antennas may cover around 2.5 to 3 Km or may be even more.

An image depicting a line-of-sight maximum range test of the LoRa Ra-02 module in conjunction with a suction cup antenna. The test measures the maximum distance at which the Ra-02 module, equipped with the suction cup antenna, can establish and maintain reliable communication in a direct line-of-sight scenario.

Next, on the receiver side, I connected the suction cup antenna while on the receiver side the Flexible PCB antenna is still connected. And as you can see I can receive the values. If you remember during the out of sight range test, the suction cup antenna improved the communication range. So, I think it may cover more than 4 kilometers, if it’s used with the Flexible PCB Antenna.

The Ai-thinker 433Mhz LoRa Ra-02 transceiver modules when used with different types of 433Mhz LoRa antennas. You can send and receive the data over such a long distance around 1.5 to 5Km.

Arduino LoRa Range Test

Even if its two kilometers, still it covers such a long area, not only my village but also the neighbouring villages. Now, within this area, I can send OFF Grid wireless text messages, I can monitor different types of sensors, I can control different types of loads, I can track different things, I can use it for the security purposes, and so on. So, that’s all for now.

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Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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