Arduino Nano V3.0 Vs Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano i2c LCD
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Arduino Nano V3.0 Vs Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano i2c LCD- Arduino itself is not a specific board type or microcontroller. Rather, Arduino refers to a whole family of boards like Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Pro Mini, Arduino Mega, and so on, you can check a complete list of the Arduino AVR boards, Simply open the Arduino IDE, click on the Tools menu and then boards.
You will see a long list of the Arduino AVR boards that have different advantages and disadvantages. It’s not possible to make a comparison of all the available boards, but in this tutorial, I am going to compare Arduino Uno with Arduino Nano.
In this tutorial, I will also answer one of the most frequently asked questions. Can I run the same program using the Arduino Nano or Arduino Mega? I will practically explain this with the help of a small project. As you know there are multiple Arduino Boards choosing the right one for your project is no small feat and some thought should be given to the one that you use. When and why you should use Arduino Nano instead of using the Arduino Uno or Arduino mega or any other type of the Arduino board? You will get answers to all of these questions.
Without any further delay, let’s get started!!!
The components and tools used in this project can be purchased from Amazon and DigitSpace, the components Purchase links are given below:
Purchase from DigitSpace:
Amazon Links:
Arduino Nano USB-C Type (Recommended)
*Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
This is the Arduino Uno which you are quite familiar with,
While this small controller board is the Arduino Nano. The first most noticeable thing about both the controller boards is the size difference. The Arduino Nano is essentially an Arduino Uno shrunk into a very small profile, making it very convenient for tight spaces and projects that may need to reduce weight.
Arduino Nano V3.0 Specifications:
Just like the Arduino Uno, the Arduino Nano uses the same Atmega328 microcontroller operating at 16MHz, includes 32KB of program memory, 1KB of EEPROM, 2KB of RAM, has 14 digital I/O and PWM pins, 8 analog inputs while in Arduino we have only 6 analog pins A0 to A5. Just like the Arduino Uno Arduino Nano also have the 5v and 3.3v pins which can be used to power up different types of sensors.
Another noticeable thing is a DC female power jack which is included on the Arduino Uno, allowing it to be powered by an external adopter using a male power jack. There is also a VIN option available for connecting the Arduino Uno to batteries or using wires from the Breadboards.
This power jack is not available on the Arduino Nano board, you have only two options, you can use a small USB cable or you can use the VIN and ground pins to power up the Arduino Nano Board.
The Arduino Uno has a pin header arrangement that is rapidly becoming the industry standard for development boards, making it compatible with most development board shields on the market. In the above picture, you can see, a CNC shield perfectly sets on the Arduino Uno. While on the other hand, the Arduino Nano cannot connect to Arduino shields but it has pin headers which make it useful for breadboard prototyping. Moreover, the Arduino Nano board is the cheapest Arduino board due to which the project overall cost can be reduced.
If you are a beginner and want to learn Arduino then I highly recommend go for Arduino Nano and also get yourself an I/O shield if you are not comfortable with breadboards and power arrangements. The Arduino Nano I/O shield is provided with multiple male headers which are clearly labeled.
If you are watching my videos or reading my articles and tutorials on a regular basis then you must know that in almost 90% of projects I have used Arduino Uno because its famous people are searching for Arduino Uno and moreover its compatible with many shields. The programming style of the Arduino Uno and Arduino Nano is 100% same. When I make a project people start asking can we make the same project using the Arduino Nano or Arduino Mega, and my replay is always yes. In fact, any program which is written for the Arduino Uno can also run on the Arduino Nano without any problem, without even changing a single instruction. I am going to practically demonstrate this.
A few days back I uploaded a video on my YouTube channel and an article on how to use the i2c 16×2 LCD with the Arduino Uno. This time I am going to run the same program using the Arduino Nano. I will be using the same SDA and SCL pins which are the analog pins A4 and A5.
Arduino Nano I2C LCD 16×2 Circuit Diagram:
Download: Arduino Nano Eagle Library
As you can see the circuit diagram is really simple. All the 16 pins of the PCF8574 driver module are connected with the LCD pins. Using these connections you can convert any 16×2 LCD into an i2c supported LCD. The VCC pin is connected with the Arduino Nano 5 volts, the SDA pin is connected with the Arduino Nano Analog pin A4, the SCL pin is connected with the Arduino Nano Analog pin A5, while the GND pin is connected with the ground. Using only two pins A4 and A5 we can control the 16×2 LCD.
While the LCD is connected with the Arduino Nano as per the circuit diagram already explained.
Arduino Nano i2c LCD Programming:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 |
#include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); //0x27 is the i2c address, while 16 = columns, and 2 = rows. void setup() { lcd.init(); //Init the LCD lcd.backlight(); //Activate backlight lcd.home(); } void loop() { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("electroniClinic"); delay(1000); lcd.setCursor(0,1); for (int i=0; i<=5; i++) //the columns are automatically incremented { lcd.print(i); delay(500); } lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("electroniClinic"); for (int i=0; i<=5; i++) { lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(i); delay(500); } lcd.noDisplay(); delay(500); // Turn on the display: lcd.display(); delay(500); } |
Open the Arduino IDE copy and paste the above program. Make sure you have downloaded the necessary libraries.
Download Wire.h library: Wire
Download LiquidCrystal_I2C.h library: LiquidCrystal_I2C
Make sure you select the Arduino Nano and the correct communication port. Finally, click on the upload button and wait for a while. For the practical demonstration watch video tutorial given at the end of this tutorial.
In the end, it’s totally up to you, if you want to reduce the project cost and size then you should definitely use the Arduino Nano. Arduino Nano is ideal for wearable projects, bio-medical projects, Quadcopters, small robots, home automation systems, and so on.