ESP8266IOT Projects

PIR Sensor with ESP8266 Nodemcu and Arduino IoT Cloud

PIR Sensor with ESP8266 Arduino IoT Cloud:

PIR Sensor with ESP8266 Nodemcu and Arduino IoT Cloud- In this tutorial, we will use PIR sensor with ESP8266 through Arduino IoT cloud to control the light through a relay. When a person or animal will move in front of the sensor a notification will be sent to the Arduino IoT Cloud or Arduino IoT App and the light will turn on and when there is nothing in front of the sensor the light will be turned off. We can also use other thing in place of light such as a door lock or a buzzer. This project will be very useful because it will turn on the light when there is any motion in front of the sensor due to which the energy will be saved. In the application we are using status widget which will change when the light is turned on and off and the notification will be sent through the messenger.

The heart of this project is the PIR sensor and Nodemcu ESP8266.

allpcb circuit

Amazon Links:

Nodemcu ESP8266 WiFi Module:

Mini Pir Sensor:

PIR Sensor:

*Please Note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!

PIR sensor:

PIR sensors are used to detect motion from pets/humanoids from about 20 feet away (possibly works on zombies, not guaranteed). This one has an adjustable delay before firing (approx 2-4 seconds), adjustable sensitivity and we include a 1 foot (30 cm) cable with a socket so you can easily reposition the sensor or mount it using the two drills on either side Runs on 5V-16V power (if you need to run it off of 3V you can do that by bypassing the regulator, but that means doing a bit of soldering). Digital signal output is 3.3V high/low. Sensing range is about 7 meters (120 degree cone).

PIR Sensor with ESP8266


Product Type: HC–SR501 Body Sensor Module
Operating voltage range: DC 4.5-20V
Quiescent Current: <50uA
Delay time: 5-18S(adjustable) the range is (0.xx second to tens of second)
Block time: 2.5S(default)Can be made a range(0.xx to tens of seconds
Board Dimensions: 32mm*24mm
Angle Sensor: <100 ° cone angle Lens size
Sensor Diameter:23mm(Default)


Security Products
The human body sensors toys
The human body sensor lighting industrial automation and control, etc


It can automatically and quickly open various types of incandescent, fluorescent lamps, buzzer, automatic doors, electric fans,automatic washing machine and dryer Machines and other devices,is a hightech products. Especially suitable for enterprises, hotels, shopping malls, warehouses and family aisles, corridors and other sensitive Sense of region, or for the security zone automatic lighting, lighting and alarm systems.

Interfacing the PIR sensor with ESP8266 NodeMCU:

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

As we know that the PIR sensor consists of three pins which are:

  • VCC
  • Out
  • Ground

So connect the VCC pin of the PIR sensor with the 3.3V of the ESP8266 NodeMCU. Connect the Output pin of the PIR sensor with the digital pin 2 of the NodeMCU ESP8266 and connect the ground pin of the PIR sensor with the ground of the NodeMCU ESP8266.

Application design in Arduino IoT Cloud:

Now we will design the application on Arduino IoT Cloud, as we have already discuss in detail how to get started with the Arduino IoT Cloud. If you are a new user then you must see our get starting Arduino IoT tutorial.

First of all, we will open the Arduino IoT Platform and click on the things. Now first we will click on the create things in which we will click on the add variable. In this project, we will use two variable one for the messenger and other for the light status. So first of all we will create status variable and select the Boolean type and click on the add variable.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Then again click on the add variable and create msg variable of string type and click on the add variable.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Now the two variables are created.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Then we will select the device in which we will upload the code. So click on the set up device and click on the set up a third party device. Then select the NodeMCU and click on the continue

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

After that give the name to the device, in our case we are using the name motion detection for the project and click on the next button.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Then click on the download button to download the secret key and device id which we will use in the network setting.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Now click on continue and the device is added then we will configure the network in order to connect to the internet.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

After configuring the network we will click on the dashboard in order to add the widgets and click on the build dashboard. So first of all we will add status widget which will change to ON and OFF when the light will be turned on and off. We will click on the add and select the status widget and link it to the status variable.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Then we add the messenger and link it to the msg string variable.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Now the two widgets are added and we will click on the things in which we will click on the sketch in order to write the code.

PIR Sensor with ESP8266

Complete code:

After uploading the code to the NodeMCU ESP8266, we will be able to monitor the motion through Arduino IoT through web and mobile app. For the mobile you can read my previous article or you can watch a video tutorial on my YouTube channel “Electronic Clinic”.

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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