Digital Electronics

Logic ICs or Gate Logic ICs & how to use them? AND, OR, NOT, XNOR, & NAND Gate

Logic ICs or Gate Logic ICs, Overview:

In my previous articles, I have already explained all the logic gates and their truth tables, and I have also explained how to implement all these basic logic gates in PLC Ladder Logic Programming. I also have been using all these basic logic gates in Arduino programming. In all these articles I explained everything about how to implement these different logic gates on the software or programming side. You know we have Logic ICs for all these basic gates. So, let’s say you don’t want to use a programmable controller and want to use only the electronics to perform different logical operations then this is the article for you. We will study in detail about the AND Gate Logic IC, OR Gate Logic IC, NOT Gate Logic IC, XNOR Gate Logic IC, and the NAND Gate Logic IC.

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AND Gate Logic ICs

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OR Gate Logic ICs

NOT Gate Logic ICs

NOR Gate Logic ICs

NAND Gate Logic ICs

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AND gate Logic IC:

The CD4082 is CMOS AND gate Logic IC which is a decision-making circuit. CD40 serial that is CMOS type of IC if we have 74 serial then it is TTL type of IC.

The integrated circuits that are used for designing logic circuits are of two types CMOS and TTL. TTL stands for Transistor-Transistor Logic and can be found in the Rapid Electronics catalogue as the 7400 and 74LS series logic ICs, while CMOS stands for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor and are called the 4000, 74HC or 74HCT series Logic ICs. CMOS has the advantage that it will work directly from a standard 9V battery. The disadvantage of CMOS is that it can be damaged by a static charge on the input pins. TTL offers the advantage that it is less sensitive to static electricity and can tolerate higher currents. However, TTL chips do require a stabilized 5V supply, which adds extra cost to the circuit. The VCC voltage is between 2.25 and 5 volts. We can say from 4.75 volts to 5.25 is the maximum limit but the standard voltage must be 5 volts but this IC has wide-range input of voltage from 3 volts to 18 volts.

The AND gates take inputs and give a logical output. if pin number 1 and pin number 2 are high means they are logic level high that is defined as a logic one for example if at any pin we have for example more than 3 volts you can say 5 volts it will be considered one logic one that is called high logic and if we have zero volts that is called low logic.

5V = 1 high

0V = 0 low

So if any pin has 5 volts that is considered logic high if any pin will have 0 volt that means logic low.

A B C D Output
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0

So if we have four inputs and we obtain 1 at the output it does not mean one volt but it means logic one so logic one is 5 volt.

If all inputs are high its output will high and if any input will go low so the output will zero. It is logical operation but in a practical sense if we have five volts, zero volts, five volts, five volts. In AND gate family we have three types of ics:

  • CD4073
  • CD4081
  • CD4082

CD4073 AND Gate Logic IC:

It is triple three input AND Gate Logic IC which will consist of three AND gates. It is 14 pin IC  it have three AND gates such that the pin number 1,  pin number 2, pin number 8 will be the input of the first gate and pin number 9 will be the output of the first gate.

Similarly pin number 3, pin number 4 and pin number 5 will be the input of the second AND gate and pin number 6 will be the output of the second AND gate.

pin number 11, pin number 12 and pin number 13 will be the input of the third AND gate and pin number 10 will be the output of the 3rd AND gate. The pin number 14 is vdd  and pin number 7 is Vss which ground.

logic IC

CD4073 AND Gate with LEDs, Proteus Simulation:

To further explain the whole concept in a practical way, I decided to make a simulation in Proteus software.

logic IC

In the simulation you can clearly see the 3 AND gates “A, B, and C”. You know the output of the AND gate is high when all the inputs are high and the output of the AND gate is low if any of the inputs is low.

The input 1 and 2 of the AND A are connected with the 5 volts and the input 8 is connected with the ground and this is why the LED on the output is low.

5 volts are connected with all the three inputs of the AND Gate B, and this is why the LED on the output is ON.

Ground is connected with all the three inputs of the AND Gate C, and this is why the LED on the output is low.

CD4081 AND Gate Logic IC:

CD4081 AND Gate Logic IC has a total of 4 AND Gate.

logic IC

In this IC every gate has two inputs and one output. So pin number 1 and 2 is input for first gate and pin number 3 is output for the first gate.

The pin number 5 and 6 are input pin and pin number 4 is output for second gate.

In the third gate pin number 8 and 9 are input and pin number 10 is output. In the fourth AND gate pin number 12 and 13 is input and pin number 11 is output. The pin number 14 is Vdd and pin number 7 is Vss.

CD4081 AND Gate Logic IC with LEDs, Simulation:

logic IC

The output of the first AND gate is High while all the other output are low, this is because all the inputs of the first AND gate are high.

CD4082 AND Gate Logic IC:

In CD4080 we have 4 input pin number 2, 3, 4, 5 will be input and pin number 1 will be output while in the second gate pin number 9, 10, 11, 12 will be inputs and pin number 13 will be the output. Pin number 14 is Vdd and pin number 7 is Vss.

logic IC

CD4082 AND Gate Logic IC with LEDs, Proteus Simulation:

logic IC

After explaining the previous 2 AND gates ICs, I am sure now you can tell why the LED D4 is high and why the LED D1 is low. Take a look at the inputs, and if you want you can let me know in a comment.

7408 IC AND Gate Logic IC:

In 7408 is TTL type of AND Gate Logic IC which consists of 14 pins which consists of four AND gates. Pin number 1 and 2 is the input of the first AND gate and pin number 3 is the output of the first gate. Pin number 4 and 5 are the input of the second AND gate and pin number 6 is the output. In the third AND gate 9 and 10 are the input pins and pin number 8 is the output pin. In the fourth AND gate the pin number 12 and 13 are input and pin number 11 is the output.  Pin number 7 will be ground and pin number 14 will be Vcc.

logic IC

logic IC

Supply Voltage 7V

Input Voltage 5.5V

Operating Free Air Temperature Range 0°C to +70°C

Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C

7408 IC with push buttons:

Now in this experiment we will connect push button at the input of the AND Gate Logic IC. We will connect push button at pin number 1 and pin number 2 and to see the output we will connect an led at the output pin number 3.

A B Output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

The led will be turned on when both the push button is pressed. The led will be off if one of the push button is not pressed. The Vcc of 5V will be given at the pin number 14 and at pin number 7 we will connect the ground.

logic IC

7432 OR Gate Logic IC:

The OR gate is used for addition which means that if one of the input is 1 we will get 1 at the output. The output will only be zero when the both the input will be 0.

A B Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

The 7432 OR Gate Logic IC consists of 4 OR gates. It has 14 pins in which Pin number 1 and 2 is the input of the first OR gate and pin number 3 is the output of the first gate. Pin number 4 and 5 are the input of the second OR gate and pin number 6 is the output. In the third OR gate 9 and 10 are the input pins and pin number 8 is the output pin. In the fourth OR gate the pin number 12 and 13 are input and pin number 11 is the output.  Pin number 7 will be ground and pin number 14 will be Vcc.

logic IC

Supply Voltage 7V

Input Voltage 7V

Operating Free Air Temperature Range 0°C to +70°C

Storage Temperature Range -65°C to +150°C

The pin number will be start from the notch.

logic IC

7432 OR Gate Logic IC with LEDs, Proteus Simulation:

logic IC

You know about the OR Gate, the output is low if and only if all the inputs are low, otherwise the output will be High, this is what I have explained in this simulation. The LED D2 is low because the two inputs are low.

7404 NOT Gate Logic IC:

This IC works on the logic that if we give one at input at will give 0 at output and if we give 0 at the input it will give 1 at the output. It will toggle the input.

Input Output
0 1
1 0

logic IC

The NOT Gate Logic IC consists of 6 NOT gates. It has 14 pins in which Pin number 1 is the input and pin number 2 is the output of the first NOT gate, pin number 3 is the input and pin number 4 will be the output of the second NOT gate. Pin number 5 is the input and pin number 6 will be the output of the third NOT gate. Pin number 8 will be the input and pin number 9 will be the output of the fourth NOT gate, pin number 10 will be the input and pin number 11 will be the output of the fifth NOT gate, pin number 12 will be the input and pin number 13 will be the output.  Pin number 7 will be ground and pin number 14 will be Vcc.

logic IC

7404 NOT Gate Logic IC with LEDs, Proteus Simulation:

logic IC

You can clearly see in the simulation result, the LED is ON with the input signal is low, and the LED is low when the input signal is high or 5 volts.

7402 NOR Gate Logic IC:

In this IC we used NOT gate at the output of the OR gate it will toggle the output of the OR gate. It will gives us logic 1 when both the input will be zero otherwise we will get 0 at the output.

A B Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

The NOR Gate Logic IC consists of 4 NOR gates. It has 14 pins in which Pin number 1 and 2 is the input of the first NOR gate and pin number 3 is the output of the first gate. Pin number 4 and 5 are the input of the second NOR gate and pin number 6 is the output. In the third NOR gate 9 and 10 are the input pins and pin number 8 is the output pin. In the fourth NOR gate the pin number 12 and 13 are input and pin number 11 is the output.  Pin number 7 will be ground and pin number 14 will be Vcc.

logic IC

7400 NAND Gate Logic IC:

In NAND Gate Logic IC we have not gate at the output of the AND gate. It will invert the output of the AND gate.

A B Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

logic IC

7400 IC consists of 14 pins which consists of four NAND gates. Pin number 1 and 2 is the input of the first NAND gate and pin number 3 is the output of the first gate. Pin number 4 and 5 are the input of the second NAND gate and pin number 6 is the output. In the third NAND gate 9 and 10 are the input pins and pin number 8 is the output pin. In the fourth NAND gate the pin number 12 and 13 are input and pin number 11 is the output.  Pin number 7 will be ground and pin number 14 will be Vcc.

logic IC

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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