Importance of Tables Used in Planning & Estimating
Importance of Tables Used in Planning & Estimating
The application of tables tends to be very essential during the planning and estimating of any electrical project. The importance of tables can be gauged from the fact that no electrical plan can successfully be executed without the application of tables. As tables contain important information about sizes of electrical cables w.r.t current rating, ratings of circuit breakers, ratings of fuses, sizes of magnetic connectors according to electrical loads, output ratings of lamps, sizes of fans according to air coverage, details of material, materials prices, etc., and similarly other related information, therefore successful execution of the project without the application of tables is extremely difficult, rather it is somewhat impossible.
During an electrical installation, if codes and standards mentioned in the tables are set aside, hardships such as overloading and other types of complications are normally observed in the wiring systems. These tables are prepared by standard firms, and doing planning, estimating, and installation according to them, obstacles generally observed during the usage of electricity and even fatal physical and material accidents, etc., can be averted. In other words, these standard tables play the role of a safeguard to ensure a safe application of electricity. However, it must be borne in mind before the application of tables that they should thoroughly be consistent with the regulations of IEE.
The object of cost tables being prepared for electrical installation is to accelerate the process of estimation. These tables, help a contractor to offer rates for a project of any specific size and electrical installation. By means of applying the rates having been arranged through the tables, an overall better impression casts on the project. As a result of tough competition among contractors, contract applications can be filed very quickly by quickly preparing an estimate in the shortest possible time, with the help of obtaining important information and understanding rates through these tables. Cost tables prepared based on cost studies are actually such estimating instruments, which persuade an estimator for the achievement of exceptional quality construction projects. Moreover, these tables enable an estimator to perform his task in a far superior manner. On the contrary, an estimate prepared by a contractor without keeping into consideration tables turns out to be substandard and removed quickly from the bidding competition due to its incomplete status. As such, it not only involves a loss of time, but also the loss of the proposed project as well as resources.
All tables related to an installation or project, especially the cost tables, should not only be prepared in a standard fashion but should also contain explicit details. These tables should be designed based on fluctuations in the market through occasional physical visits to the market. As market rates of material tend to change very quickly, therefore a contractor should submit his contract application only after analyzing the market carefully, so that a failure or material loss could be avoided in the future. As these tables are prepared after extreme hardships, devotion, hard work, and sparing of a substantial amount of time, therefore estimating should be carried out quite prudently for the successful acquisition of any specific project. Besides, unit costs should be recorded right at the time of preparing an estimate.
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