raspberry pi

5.5 inch Oled Touchscreen & Night Vision Camera Raspberry Pi 3 b+ Setup



5.5 inch Oled Touchscreen & Night Vision Camera Raspberry Pi 3 b+ Setup- This is a basic getting started tutorial in which you will learn how to connect a 5.5 inch HDMI Oled capacitive touch screen LCD, wifi keyboard, Mouse and a night vision camera with Raspberry pi 3 b+. In this episode I am going to explain

  1. Screen display resolution configuration
  2. How to download firmware for the Touchscreen configuration and finally
  3. Night Vision Camera interfacing

Without any further delay let’s get started!!!

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Note: Watch video tutorial given at the end of this article.

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Wireless Keyboard and Mouse for raspberry pi:

Night vision Camera for Raspberry Pi:

Oled HDMI touch display for raspberry pi:

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This series of articles and Video tutorials are sponsored by the DFrobot. DFrobot is a leading robotics and open source hardware provider. They create innovative, user-friendly hardware & software products that become the building blocks in all kinds of electronics projects. I personally recommend you should definitely visit www.dfrobot.com.

In this tutorial, I will be interfacing the following Modules with the Raspberry Pi 3 b+

  • Wireless Keyboard and Air Mouse.
  • 5 inch HDMI OLED Capacitive Touch Screen LCD.
  • Night Vision Camera

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This is the Raspberry Pi 3 b+

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This is the Night Vision Camera for Raspberry Pi.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This is the world’s most mini wireless keyboard mouse combo, this wireless keyboard and mouse also comes with the charging cable.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This is the HDMI Adaptor used to connect the touchscreen with the Raspberry Pi.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This is a 5.5 inch HDMI OLED-Display with Capacitive Touchscreen by the DFrobot. Now I am going to fix Raspberry Pi 3 b+ on the back side of this Touchscreen.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

Using this button you can turn ON and Turn OFF the Keyboard. Now to power up the Touchscreen we can use the Raspberry Pi USB Port, you can use a cell phone cable. Now the final step is to power up the Raspberry Pi, and make sure you have installed the operating system, I have already inserted the Memory card. Without the operating system the LCD will be completely blank. After turning ON the Raspberry then wait for a minute or two.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

So when you use this LCD for the first time, this is how it looks. It needs to be properly configured before you can use this touchscreen LCD. I hardly can see anything, For the LCD configuration, I am going to use the SSH network using the Putty software. I have a separate video on how to set up an SSH network, given below.

While the Putty software is opened enter the Raspberry Pi IP address and then press the Open button. Enter the login name and password. You can use the clear command to clear the screen, simply type clear and then press the enter key.

Now we will open the config.txt file for this simply write sudo nano /boot/config.txt and press enter.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

Over here we have to paste some piece of code which is given below.

Copy the Above code.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

Press the mouse right key to paste the code. now press the control + x to exit the editor and press y key on your keyboard and then press the enter key, and we are done with the configuration.

Now the next step is to download a library which you can find on the DFrobot website, click on the link given below.


Once you are on the desired page scroll down until you find the DFRobot_RaspberryPi_TouchScreen_Firmware-master.zip file, click to download this file, this file will be available in the Downloads folder. I have already download this file, now again I am going to open the SSH Network.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

as you can see we have the downloads folder. Let’s open this folder by typing

cd Downloads and then press enter.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

as you can see inside this folder we have the zip file, which I have already unzipped, to unzip this you have to use the following command.

unzip DFRobot_RaspberryPi_TouchScreen_Firmware-master.zip  

As I have already unzipped this folder so I will not press the enter key, but you guys should press the enter key.

Now the final step is to Reboot the Raspberry. Write sudo reboot and before you press the enter key get yourself ready because you will need to short these two points labeled with boot.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

As soon as you press the enter key short these two points for 3 to 4 seconds and then wait for a while.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

As you can see now we have the full display. Now I will connect the Night Vision Camera, for this, first I am going to shutdown the raspberry Pi.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This is the Night Vision Camera as you can see such a beautiful piece of hardware. As you can see this camera has two LDRs one on the left side and another one on the right side and has two big IR LEDs. It has nuts and bolts, so we can remove these IR LEDs; I will use this camera in image processing based security system, Number plate recognition system, Human tracking system, eye pupil controlled wheelchair and so on.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

This camera is now ready, before we can use this camera we will need to go through some settings, for this, open the terminal. Enter the following command and press enter

sudo raspi-config

 Click on the interface options, and select the camera, now to enable the camera you need to select the yes and that’s it.

Now reboot the raspberry pi and wait for a while. Now to check the Camera again open the terminal, write the following command and press enter.

raspistill –t 2000 –o image.jpg

in the above command 2000 means two seconds, it means the camera will work only for two seconds, we can replace 2000 with 10000 this way the camera will remain active for 10 seconds.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

The quality of this camera is simply amazing.

Now this is a full personal raspberry pi based computer system, it has the wireless keyboard, mouse, Touchscreen LCD and a Night Vision camera. We can use this just like the normal computer system. We can watch videos, send emails, make advanced level applications, control hardware, monitor sensors and so on.

5.5 Inch Oled touchscreen & Night Vision

If incase you find it difficult to follow the steps you can watch video tutorial given below.

Watch Video Tutorial:

Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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