Basic ElectronicsElectric Vehicle Projects

Salvage parts from Hoverboard, Hoverboard Motors Testing, Salvage Hoverboard

Salvage Parts from Hoverboard:


Salvage parts from Hoverboard- I have this old Hoverboard. It’s control system is completely damaged and it’s not functional anymore. Although it’s completely dead, but still I don’t feel like throwing it away because still I can reuse some of its parts in my upcoming projects. So, let’s go ahead and salvage the parts and in the end I will test these 350Watts BLDC motors. Without any further delay let’s get started!!!

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Best Hoverboards

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Salvage parts from Hoverboard

I simply started off by unscrewing the Hoverboard plastic casing, I used a screwdriver and the portable electric drill machine.

Salvage parts from Hoverboard

Only three circuit boards, 36V battery pack, and two 350Watts BLDC motors. The control system is based on the STM32 microcontroller board which is most commonly used in industrial and commercial level projects. If you want to design and make some products then you should definitely read my articles on the stm32 microcontroller. Anyway, these circuit boards have lots of wires with connectors, capacitors, mosfets, and other electronics components which I can reuse in my upcoming projects. To be very frank with you guys, I am pretty much interested in the Hoverboard motors and the battery pack.

Salvage parts from Hoverboard

After removing the circuits; all I am left with are the Hoverboard motors. Now, I have two options, I can leave it like this, I can order some BLDC motors drivers which I use with the Arduino, esp8266, esp32, and stm32 controller boards. This way I can control the motors. The other option is I can dissemble the motors and reuse them in other projects, and this is what I am going to do. I have to unscrew these motors for the testing as I am not sure if these motor are still functional.

Salvage parts from Hoverboard

These are the BLDC motors. Each motor is 350Watts, needs 36 volts, and the speed is around 1500rpm “revolutions per minute”. These are my all time favorite motors, with these motors I can build wind turbines, electronic skate board, small electric bike, a small scooter, a self balance robot, and so on.

Each Hoverboard motor come with three motor phases (usually colored yellow, blue, and green) which are thicker, and a set of 5 thinner wires for the hall sensor feedback (usually colored red, yellow, blue, green, and black). For testing these motors we will need an ESC “Electronic Speed controller” which can deal with high voltages upto 36 volts. Unfortunately, I don’t have it right now. But, still I can test these motors using 30A ESC which I have been using for controlling my Quadcopter BLDC motors.  I am going to test these motors with 3S lipo battery which gives 11.1 volts. So, let’s do it.

Salvage parts from Hoverboard

This setup is only for the testing purposes. 11.1V isn’t even close. With this setup I successfully tested both the Hoverboard motors. Today I will order 500Watts and 12v to 36volts BLDC motor drivers. Consider subscribing if you don’t want to miss any of my upcoming videos and articles.

Salvage parts from Hoverboard

I am also very excited about this 36volts battery pack, I will design a charger for it and will see if I can power up these BLDC motors. Anyways, that’s all for now.

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Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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