
Conductivity Meter working principle Explained, Endress Hauser Memosens CLS82D

Conductivity Meter, Description:

Conductivity Meter working Principle- In this article, you will learn the very basics of conductivity meter, everything will be explained with the help you images.

Do you know what Conductivity is?

Conductivity can be defined as the ability of a Solution to conduct electrical current. Ions in solution (dissolved salts or acids) carry electrical current. Ions that have lost electrons are charged positively, and ions that have gained electrons are charged negatively. The more particles in a solution, and the more electrons being moved, the more conductive a solution is. So a Conductivity Meter is used to measure the volume of dissolved solids in a solution.

I have been working on conductivity meters for measuring the water quality e.g Ph Sensor, TDS Sensor, Turbidity Sensor etc. I used some of these with the Arduino, ESP8266, and ESP32. I am going to share links with you, if you want to take a look.

allpcb circuit

Water quality monitoring using Ph Sensor and Arduino

IoT based Water Quality Monitoring Using Ph Sensor and ESP8266

Water Quality Monitoring using TDS sensor and Arduino

IoT Water Quality Monitoring using TDS sensor and ESP32

Water Turbidity Meter/Sensor with Arduino and LCD

Conductivity Meter

The precise measurement of connectivity is often difficult in applications that require a wide measuring range. Thanks to its four electrodes Memosens CLS82D reaches maximum accuracy even in these applications.

Amazon Purchase Links:

DS Conductivity Meter:

Memosense CLS82D Conductivity Meter:

*Disclosure: These are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Conductivity Meter

Basically the electrical conductivity of liquids can be determined using the two electrodes or four electrodes conductive measuring principle or the inductive measuring principle.

Conductivity Meter

The two electrode conductive principle has a high measuring sensitivity that makes it suitable for media with low conductivities from ultrapure water to drinking water. The inductive conductivity measurement is suited for media with a high conductivity such as Brine, Acids, and Bases. For applications that require a wide measuring range such as phase separation fermentation or chromatography the four electrode conductivity measurement is the most suitable.

Conductivity Meter

This method is based on the conductive measuring principle where two electrodes are positioned opposite from each other an AC voltage is applied to the electrodes which generates a current in the medium the cations move to the negatively charged electrode while the anions move to the positively charged electrode. The more free charged carriers the liquid contains the higher the electrical conductivity and the current flow if however the ion concentration becomes too high this leads to a mutual repulsion of the ions and thus a reduction of the current this effect is called polarization.

Conductivity Meter

To compensate the polarization effect the 4 electrodes measurement uses two additional electrodes that serve as passive observers.

Conductivity Meter

These current less electrodes measure the potential difference in the medium which depends on the conductivity. The connected transmitter uses the measured potential difference and the given current to calculate the conductance and finally the electrical conductivity.

Conductivity Meter

 Endress + Hauser’s Memosens CLS82D conductivity sensor features four electrodes so is perfectly suited for wide measuring ranges. The sensor also meets the highest demands of hygienic design. Its sensor element consists of a ceramic body and platinum electrodes. The combination of these two materials makes the sensor perfect for applications with extreme temperature fluctuations. Ceramics and platinum have an almost identical expansion coefficient so that no gaps will occur and no product can deposit even with extreme temperature variations. This guarantees maximum cleanability and even a septic hygiene, when it comes to safety requirement.

Conductivity Meter

Memosens CLS82D Conductivity meter is very convincing with its unique electrode connection surveillance. If the connection between the platinum electrodes in the sensor element and the memo sense electronics in the sensor head ever breaks the surveillance function generates a specific error message.

Conductivity Meter

This function further enhances the comprehensive measuring point monitoring offered by the Memosense technology. Customers can completely rely on the digital signal transmission and react immediately if an error should occur they can be sure that their processes and products are safe.

For Video tutorials, visit my YouTube Channel “Electronic Clinic”.


Engr Fahad

My name is Shahzada Fahad and I am an Electrical Engineer. I have been doing Job in UAE as a site engineer in an Electrical Construction Company. Currently, I am running my own YouTube channel "Electronic Clinic", and managing this Website. My Hobbies are * Watching Movies * Music * Martial Arts * Photography * Travelling * Make Sketches and so on...

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