Temperature Sensor types & their use with Arduino, ESP8266, and ESP32
Table of Contents
Temperature Sensor:
Temperature Sensor Types and Their Use with Arduino– I have been using different types of temperature sensors with Arduino boards “Arduino Mega, Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, etc”, WiFi supported Controller boards “Nodemcu ESP8266 and ESP32”, and other electronic circuits for measuring the amount of heat. You might have seen temperature notification on your laptop or computer screen when the Processor heats up, Temperature notifications are also display on the cell phones, an A/C maintains the room temperature at a specific level just because of the temperature Sensor, On the car dashboard you can see the temperature, etc.
So, with a temperature sensor we can prevent something from overheating, or we can control the cooling. We have contact and non-contact types of the temperature sensors which we will discuss and also use with the Arduino. You might be thinking why Arduino? because when these different types of temperature sensors are used with Arduino; we can do whatever we want, we can display the temperature on different types of display modules, we can send temperature notifications in text messages using GSM modules, we can make a computer based application, we can send the temperature data through WiFi using the Nodemcu ESP8266 or ESP32, we can display the temperature on android cell phone application using Bluetooth wireless technology. Such advanced things are only possible because of Controller boards like the Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, Nodemcu ESP8266, ESP32, STM32, PIC Microcontrollers, 8051 microcontrollers, etc.
As you know, we have so many different types of temperature sensors, but in this article I will share with you top 8 temperature sensors which are low-cost and can be easily used with Arduino, Nodemcu ESP9266, and ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module.
Without any further delay, let’s get started!!!
Amazon Links:
Arduino Nano USB C type (Recommended)
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module:
DS18B20 one-wire digital temperature sensor:
MAX6675 k type thermocouple and driver:
MLX90614 Infrared Temperature Sensor
*Please Note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!
Temperature Sensors:
In the picture above you can see the most popular 7 different types of temperature sensors which I have used in different types of projects available on this website and on my YouTube channel. All these different sensors are used for temperature monitoring. These sensors have different ranges and are used in different ways. After reading their specs then you can decide which temperature sensor best suits your needs. We will discuss each one and I will also share links of the projects these temperature sensors are used in.
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor:
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor is quite popular as it can be easily used with 5V and 3.3V compatible controller boards like Arduino Boards, Nodemcu ESP8266, and ESP32, etc. With the help of the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor you can monitor Temperature and humidity.
Temperature Range: 0°C to 50°C.
Humidity Range: 20% to 90% Resolution:
Temperature and Humidity both are 16-bit. Accuracy: ±1°C and ±1%
With DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor you can easily build an amazing weather station, this temperature sensor can also be used in Plants related projects, and some other cool projects. You can also read my article “DHT11 Vs DHT22 Vs LM35 Vs DS18b20”. Following are the projects built using the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
DHT11 Arduino Projects:
Arduino Weather Station:
Arduino Weather Station– This project is based on the Real-Time weather station monitoring system using Arduino, DHT11” temperature and humidity sensor” and Visual Basic 2010 Express edition. The main purpose of this project is to share with you the idea of how you can make a real-time weather station and display the Temperature and Humidity values on the Gauges. In this project, you will also learn how to install and use the Dev Components.
The DHT11 sensor will be interfaced with the Arduino Uno or Mega or Arduino Nano. The temperature and humidity values will be calculated by the Arduino or Mega, and then these values will be sent serially to the Computer designed application. This project also focuses on the concept of how multiple sensors values can be sent in a single string message separated with comma, and then how each sensor value can be accessed individually and display them in their own boxes or Gauges. So this project will also help you learn, how to split the string message.
This is seriously an amazing project, after reading this article you will be able to design your own computer applications for Arduino. Read more about this Arduino Weather Station using DHT11 and Computer Application.
Wireless Temperature and Humidity Monitoring:
Wireless Temperature Monitoring- This tutorial is based on the wireless Temperature monitoring using Bluetooth module, Arduino Uno and Android cell phone application. In this project, the temperature request can be sent to the Arduino at any time. This project also has a feedback system. The command is sent wirelessly to the Arduino Uno, the Arduino once receive the command then replay back with the temperature and humidity values. In this project, the famous DHT11 temperature and humidity module is used for monitoring the temperature and humidity. Read more…
Request Temperature and Humidity using GSM & Arduino:
Request Temperature using GSM– This project is based on the Temperature and Humidity monitoring using a Cell phone GSM network, Arduino, and the famous DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor. In this tutorial, you will learn how to request temperature and humidity values from anywhere around the world using your cell phone. There are projects in which the Sensors data is sent after regular intervals, which I believe is not good. This project is different from the rest of the GSM-based projects, as in this project the Temperature and Humidity values are sent only when the owner sends a request message. Read more…
Landslide Detection using IoT Network:
Landslide detection system- In this article you will learn how to make an advanced level early warning Landslide detection system using the Wireless Sensor Network based on the IoT “Internet of things”. This is quite an advanced level project capable of monitoring the earth vibration, Temperature, Humidity, and the Soil moisture. All these sensors are connected with different IoT Nodes which make the complete network. The number of nodes can be increased and decreased as per the requirement. All the Landslide detection nodes are monitored using a single smart phone app designed in Blynk. The IoT supported nodes are developed using the Nodemcu ESP8266 Wifi Modules. This article can be a bit longer, as I will be explaining each and every detail. Read More…
IoT Weather Station:
In this project, you will learn how to make an IoT based Weather Station using Arduino, DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor, Nodemcu ESP8266, and Blynk application. In this project you are going to learn a lot of new things, like for example how to use Nodemcu ESP8266 with Arduino Uno. Read more…
DHT11 and Firebase Database Android application:
Firebase Android Application Designing using Android Studio, ESP32 DHT11- This is part 2 of my previous tutorial based on the ESP32 and Firebase. In which I explained how to set up your firebase database account for the ESP32 Wifi + Bluetooth module so that the Sensor data can be monitored in real-time from anywhere around the world. I highly recommend first watch this tutorial and then you can resume from here. Because, in this tutorial, I will be using the same Firebase Database account.
In this tutorial, which is version 2, you will learn how to design your own Firebase Android application using Android Studio. For the demonstration purposes, I have connected the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module with the ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module. The Temperature and Humidity values from the ESP32 are sent to the Firebase Android application. Read More…
MAX6675 and K Type Thermocouple Temperature Sensor:
The K type thermocouple is the most commonly used thermocouple in industries. This is quite famous among all the professionals due to its cost, its accuracy, its reliability and on the top of all this it has a wide temperature range. This temperature sensor can be used in plastic injection molding machines, heaters, etc.
Temperature Range:
-270 to 1260C
Extension wire, 32 to 392F (0 to 200C)
Max6675 and K type thermocouple based projects:
Max6675 and K type thermocouple with Arduino:
K Type Thermocouple, MAX6675, and Arduino based Temperature Monitoring- This is a very basic getting started tutorial based on the K type thermocouple and MAX6675 module. In this tutorial, you will learn how to interface the k type thermocouple, MAX6675, and a 16×2 LCD with the Arduino Uno. I will start with the extreme basics so that you can easily understand the Interfacing and Programming. First I will write a very basic program in which I will print the temperature on the Serial Monitoring, and then in the 2nd program, I will print the temperature on the LCD.Read more about the Max6675 and K type thermocouple and how to use it with Arduino.
Wireless Industrial Temperature Monitoring:
In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a long-range Wireless industrial Temperature monitoring system using Arduino Nano, NRF24L01 Transceiver modules, Industrial temperature sensor capable of measuring the temperature up to 1000 Centigrade, and an I2C supported Oled display Module.
If for any reason the transmitter is turned OFF or the transmitter is not in the range, then connection lost will be printed on the Oled display Module. There is a timer that monitors the data, so if the data is not received for 1 second, the connection lost will be printed. Then you can go ahead and check your transmitter side.
You can also use the smaller NRF24L01 Transceiver module on the receiver side. So it really doesn’t matter whether you are using the smaller NRF24LO1 modules or the bigger ones. If you are using the NRF transceiver modules for the first time then I recommend you should start with the smaller NRF24LO1 Transceiver modules. Read more…
Multiple Max6675 + K type thermocouples with Arduino:
Multiple Max6675 Arduino based Industrial Temperature Monitoring System- In this tutorial, you will learn how to make an industrial temperature monitoring system using Arduino, i2c supported Oled display Module, and multiple Max6675 thermocouple temperature sensor amplifiers based on the K type thermocouples capable of measuring the temperature from 0 to 1024 centigrade. Read more…
The DHT22 / AM2302 humidity and temperature sensor is a sensor that measures temperature and humidity values and also outputs this via the 1-Wire protocol. The sensor has a larger, easy-to-install housing (see Figure 3). So he doesn’t have to be forcibly soldered on a circuit board. The DHT22 / AM2302 humidity and temperature has a measuring range of –40 ° C to +80 °C with a tolerance less than ±0.5 °C. The humidity can range from 0% to 100% with a tolerance value of ±2% can be measured. I have a very detailed on the DHT22/AM2302 and DS18b20.
DS18S20 Temperature Sensor:
The DS18S20 temperature sensor measures temperatures in a measuring range between –55 °C and +125 °C. The temperature is transmitted as a 9 or 12 bit number. Since each DS18S20 temperature sensor has a unique Serial number, several elements can be connected in parallel. I have a very detailed on the DHT22/AM2302 and DS18b20.
LM35 Temperature Sensor:
LM35 temperature sensor is among the oldest temperature sensors and are still very popular. The LM35 device is rated to operate over a −55°C to 150°C temperature range, while the LM35C device is rated for a −40°C to 110°C range (−10° with improved accuracy).
Local sensor accuracy (Max) (+/- C): 0.5
Operating temperature range(C): -40 to 110, -55 to 150, 0 to 100, 0 to 70
Interface type: Analog output
Supply voltage(Max)(V): 30
Supply voltage(Min)(V): 4
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor:
DS18B20 One-Wire waterproofed digital temperature sensor communicates over one wire interface and can measure temperatures from -55 degrees Celsius to +125 degrees Celsius with an accuracy of ±0.5 degrees Celsius. Multiple of DS18B20 temperature sensors can be connected with the same pin. Personally, DS18b20 temperature is my most favorite one, and this is the reason I have used it in so many projects. It can be used with 5v and 3.3v compatible controller boards without any problem.
DS18b20 based projects:
Smart IoT Refrigerator:
Diy Internet of Things Fridge or Smart IoT Refrigerator- The internet of things based Fridge or smart IoT Refrigerators are becoming very popular because with the help of a smart IoT refrigerator you can check the temperature, food items expiry date, Door opening and closing status from anywhere around the world using the Wifi technology. this project is also ideal for the temperature-controlled storage. In this article, you will learn how to convert any Fridge or Refrigerator into a smart internet of things based Fridge or Refrigerator using a Push Button or a limit Switch, Nodemcu ESP8266 Wifi Module, a variable resistor, DS18b20 one wire waterproof digital temperature sensor capable of measuring the temperature from -55C to 125 Centigrade, and a cell phone application designed in Blynk.
The Values are updated every second, the notification messages are sent to the owner each time the temperature increase above or decreases below a certain predefined value which can be adjusted using a variable resistor. Any value between -40 and +40 can be selected; this limit is specified in the programming which can be changed as per the requirement.
A pushbutton or a limit switch can be used with the Fridge or a refrigerator to check if the Fridge door is opened or closed. If the door remains open for 3 minutes a notification message is sent to the owner, the three minutes delay can be increased or decreased as per the requirement.
The notification messages are sent even if the application is running in the background. If in case due to some problem the Wifi connection is disconnected a notification message is sent to the owner or supervisor. This project can be easily modified by adding more sensors and some relays for controlling the Fridge or Refrigerator. Read more…
Hydroponics System using Arduino:
Hydroponic makes it easier to measure and fill the exact amounts of nutrients in the water solutions, since each plant requires different nutrients. This can be really a tedious job if you do it manually. Well, I am not a Hydroponics expert and I really don’t know how much nutrients should be added in the water solution. But I can help you in designing and making your own Hydroponics system which you can use to measure and fill the exact amount of nutrients in the water using Solenoid valves which can be controlled as per the measured values.
So, this article is all about how to make your own Hydroponics system using Arduino, pH Sensor, EC sensor or TDS meter, DS18b20 one-wire digital temperature sensor, TOF10120 Laser distance Rangefinder, and an Oled display Module.
DS18b20 and Raspberry Pi:
Raspberry Pi DS18B20 Temperature Sensor- In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Ds18b20 waterproof one wire digital Temperature sensor with raspberry pi 3 b+ and save the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit in a txt file along with the date and time information for later analysis. Read More…
Thermistor is the type of a variable resistor whose resistance changes as the temperature increases or decreases. Use of the Thermistor is different from all the other temperature sensors that we just discussed. Thermistors are also available in different shapes and sizes. Read more about the Thermistor…
MLX90614 Infrared Temperature Sensor
Want to read temperature without touching the object you’re measuring? Then the MLX90614 IR Thermometer is the sensor for you! By detecting the InfraRed (IR) light emitted by an object, The MLX90614 can read temperatures between –95 and 720ºF (–70 and 382.2°C) with a whopping 17-bit resolution. That’s 128 times more precise than the ADC on the ATmega328 microcontroller onboard an Arduino UNO, and implies that the MLX90614 infrared temperature sensor can distinguish temperatures between 25ºC and 25.02ºC without even coming in contact with the object!
This breakout board makes it easy to connect this sensor to your microcontroller board or single-board computer such as Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, BeagleBone or Raspberry Pi! The four pins correspond to power (VCC, GND) and I2C communication (SDA, SCL). We’ve included in our design pull-up resistors on the I2C lines as customary. They can be disabled, as usual, by using the solder jumpers on the back of the board.